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Ranji Trophy Super League 1996-97 - Schedule

Ranji Superleagues Schedule

Group A
Jan 20-23       Kerala v Punjab                    at Mohali
                Maharashtra v Madhya Pradesh       at Pune
Jan 29-Feb 1    Maharashtra v Kerala               at Pune
                Madhya Pradesh v Orissa            at Cuttack
Feb 7-10        Orissa v Punjab                    at Cuttack
                Kerala v Madhya Pradesh            at Indore
Feb 16-19       Maharashtra v Punjab               at Pune
                Kerala v Orissa                    at Cuttack
Feb 25-28       Maharashtra v Orissa               at Cuttack
                Punjab v Madhya Pradesh            at Indore

Group B
Jan 20-23       Delhi v Tamil Nadu                 at Delhi
                Railways v Baroda                  at Baroda
Jan 29-Feb 1    Railways v Delhi                   at Delhi (hosts: Railways)
                Baroda v Bengal                    at Baroda
Feb 7-10        Bengal v Tamil Nadu                at Chennai
                Delhi v Baroda                     at Delhi
Feb 16-19       Railways v Tamil Nadu              at Delhi
                Delhi v Bengal                     at Calcutta
Feb 25-28       Railways v Bengal                  at Calcutta
                Tamil Nadu v Baroda                at Chennai

Group C
Jan 20-23       Bihar v Mumbai                     at Jamshedpur
                Hyderabad v Haryana                at Hyderabad
Jan 29-Feb 1    Hyderabad v Bihar                  at Hyderabad
                Haryana v Uttar Pradesh            at Kanpur
Feb 7-10        Uttar Pradesh v Mumbai             at Kanpur
                Bihar v Haryana                    at Jamshedpur
Feb 16-19       Hyderabad v Mumbai                 at Hyderabad
                Bihar v Uttar Pradesh              at Jamshedpur
Feb 25-28       Hyderabad v Uttar Pradesh          at Hyderabad
                Mumbai v Haryana                   at Mumbai

Here is the same schedule presented in the order of Rounds played:

First Round (Jan 20-23):

(Group A)
Kerala v Punjab                 at Mohali
Maharashtra v MP                at Pune

(Group B)
Delhi v Tamil Nadu              at Delhi
Railways v Baroda               at Baroda

(Group C)
Bihar v Bombay                  at Jamshedpur
Hyderabad v Haryana             at Hyderabad

Second Round (Jan 29 - Feb 1):

(Group A)
Maharashtra v Kerala            at Pune
MP v Orissa                     at Cuttack

(Group B)
Railways v Delhi                at Delhi (hosts: Railways)
Baroda v Bengal                 at Baroda

(Group C)
Hyderabad v Bihar               at Hyderabad
Haryana v UP                    at Kanpur

Third Round (Feb 7-10):

(Group A)
Orissa v Punjab                 at Cuttack
Kerala v MP                     at Indore

(Group B)
Bengal v Tamil Nadu             at Chennai
Delhi v Baroda                  at Delhi

(Group C)
UP v Bombay                     at Kanpur
Bihar v Haryana                 at Jamshedpur

Fourth Round (Feb 16-19):

(Group A)
Maharashtra v Punjab            at Pune
Kerala v Orissa                 at Cuttack

(Group B)
Railways v Tamil Nadu           at Delhi
Delhi v Bengal                  at Calcutta

(Group C)
Hyderabad v Bombay              at Hyderabad
Bihar v UP                      at Jamshedpur

Fifth Round (Feb 25-28):

(Group A)
Maharashtra v Orissa            at Cuttack
Punjab v MP                     at Indore

(Group B)
Railways v Bengal               at Calcutta
Tamil Nadu v Baroda             at Chennai

(Group C)
Hyderabad v UP                  at Hyderabad
Bombay v Haryana                at Bombay

*** 2 teams from each group will advance to the quarter finals
*** the 2 teams with the best points tally in the league will 
get a bye into the semis. 
*** an outright win is worth 8 points, a first innings lead
in a drawn game 5 points, and a failing to get the first innings
lead in a drawn game 3 points. 

Source :: Thanks Cric8wala (sidi@*

 Contributed by The Management (

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