Tony Greig and Ian Chappell - the 'honourary' Sri Lankans


Wednesday 11, September 1996

It is widely acknowledged, that Tony Greig and Ian Chappell, both illustrious in their own way, have adorned the cricketing venues the world over, by their contributions to cricket.

Firstly as individual players and later as skippers of their respective countries - where through their heroic deeds, have brought to bear a special kind of lustre, giving much pleasure and joy to all those privileged to see them perform. Notwithstanding this, and all that the game stands for, the question at times has been asked, as to whether a time consuming, long drawn out game like cricket, has relevance in a world beset with varied problems, the pace of which is quickening by the day and viewed especially in the contemporary times we find ourselves in. The answer to this is indeed heartening, in that this great and noble game has withstood many a vicissitude and survived to become perennial.

For, apart from its professional and commercial aspects, its wide appeal and the ever increasing popularity it enjoys, is mainly because the game itself has to do with life, which is saying much. And what's more colourful cricketing greats right through these many years, have by their brilliance lifted the game above the ordinary, to ensure that the game has continuity to live on.

With their over enthusiastic and entertaining cricketing days, now well behind them, Tony and Ian, happily for the good of the game continue to be actively involved, by turning out to be much sought after excellent TV commentators. It is well known that openers, be it in bowling or batting hunt in pairs and the same could be said of this popular duo in the field of cricket commentaries, where they have a winsome way of arresting the attention of listeners, leaving them always thirsting for more, the hallmark of good commentators.

There is perfect understanding between the two, working hand-inglove as it were, where one is complementary of the other. After very interestingly doing their bit in the box, Ian moves over with his confident vibrant voice, in slick like precision to steer the awards ceremony to a perfect nicety, whilst partner Tony in his pleasing nasal tone does the summing up.

But one thing that must have surely warmed the hearts of all Sri Lankans, was the way in which Tony and Ian strove to back the Sri Lankan cricket team by their support and encouragement wherever they played. They burst into raptures and became irresistibly delirious, when describing the action of the Sri Lankans and gave themselves away, when exulting over the explosive batting of Kalu and Jayasuriya, which has become the nightmare and preoccupation of opposing teams. Overwhelmed were they by the copy book 'Sober' batting of Aravinda, which has made him the world's best, envying the astute leadership of Arjuna and marvelling over the performances of every member of this now prestigious cricket team which has certainly counted for much in the eyes of the world.

The victories in the World Cup and now here at home, were attributed by them to the toughening up, Sri Lanka received in Australia. Yes, how true, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Nor was that all, for here were two widely travelled men showering praises on our friendly, smiling lavish hospitable people, who in the midst of it all were able to sing, dance and let themselves go. They even touched on our cricketers, quite rightly relieving tension after a hard day's grind in the field, on the dance floor.

As if that was not enough, Tony in particular drew historical sketches of the island's past, dwelling as well on its scenic beauty and all that this country has to offer. By doing so he projected the image of the country in its right perspective, diffusing thereby the distorted mischievous propaganda resorted to by some. Both Tony and Ian, identified themselves with this country, taking possessive pride and having a sense of belonging to it. They were more Sri Lankans, than some of us are, so much so, that one said that they should be made honourary Sri Lankans or at least presented with the keys to the city of Colombo.

Our beating Australia twice over here on home soil, to win the Singer Trophy has proved beyond reasonable doubt that our defeating Australia in Lahore, to be World Cup Champions wasn't just one of those things, a flash in the pan as made out, to be. The message ringing out as a clarion call from this eleven men, in this very significant year, is simple, but true and that is, if we could stand united, committed towards a goal, without being petty or selfish, then we could win through many an issue.

Listening to the closing words of Healy and the gratifying appreciative comments found on placards, held high by spectators tell the story, that all is forgiven and forgotten that strained relationships have been happily resolved and all is well. This is what cricket is all about and the reason why it is such a great game.

Our gratitude to the Singer Company for providing us with this fantastic cricket bonanza and its directorate should be commended, for their administrative and organising ability, on a job well done.

It was certainly good whilst it lasted and thanks for the memory.

Source: The Daily News

Contributed by CricInfo Management
Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 15:26