Asia Cup-It will be a no quarter asked or given game

By Elmo Rodrigopulle

Monday 14, July 1997

The Pepsi Cup - Asia's most prestigious cricket extravaganza which is being contested by India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh will start today when hosts Sri Lanka face Pakistan in the opener.

A colourful opening ceremony will precede the game with Speaker K. B. Ratnayake as chief guest and once the show gets under way, it will be a no quarter asked or given confrontation with both teams looking for ways and means to outdo the other and chalk up that most important early win.


To the credit of the Cricket Board, and especially its energetic Chief Executive, Dhammika Ranatunga, it must be said that they have done a wonderful job to see to the successful conclusion of this tourney, and their one prayer now is that the weather gods will be beneficent and allow the tourney to go on unhindered.

The CB had intentions of making this tournament the best-ever conducted in the Asian region. But unfortunately the security situation is such, that they had to restrict themselves and instead put on show a tourney that will please everyone.


It would have been great enjoyment to the players and spectators had at least the final been played under lights and had it been made a best of three finals. Here again it was the security situation that has prevented the CB from doing so.

Organising a tournament of such magnitude is no easy task. And the CB hopes that when criticism is levelled at them it will be constructive and of value to them and not be destructive. The CB wants everyone to bear with them if there are any shortcomings.


The Sri Lankan squad with the inclusion of new cap Lanka Silva have been shaping well and according to reports are rarin' to go. Owing to the fickle weather they had to do their thing mostly in the indoor nets. Yet they are not depressed and are enthusiastic and oozing with confidence knowing full well that they have it in them to give continuity to their victories in the limited over game.

The Sri Lankans will certainly miss Hashan Tillekeratne who is still recovering from the injury sustained in the West Indies. Tillekeratne's ability to prop the fielding will definitely be missed.


It will be interesting to see how the Lankan batting will go in this game. Will it be Jayasuriya and Kaluwitharne or Jayasuriya and Mahanama, to open the batting?

We would like to see Kaluwitharne pushed up so as to restore his confidence that he is badly lacking at the moment. Once he starts middling the ball, his game should fall into place and he will become the once feared batsman that he was. How they will bat him is the team selectors business. They know best. The Lankans are well served in all other departments.

As for the Pakistanis, they have brought out their best available side and the absence of their stars Akram, Younis and Mustaq Ahmed are of no worry to them.


One thing that is admirable in the Pakistani setup, is that they never fear to infuse young blood into the game frequently. Every tour sees new talent and this has not only brought them results, but has also gone to encourage the youngsters to take to the game in a big way, confident that their talents will not go unnoticed.

The example set by the Pakistani cricket selectors is an example that most countries will do well to emulate. On this tour too, they have plonked in some fresh and promising talent and they are confident that this will be a learning experience for them.


Today's game will also see on show the two best off-spinners in the world Sri Lankan's Muttiah Muralitheran and Pakistan's Saqlain Mushtaq doing their thing. They will be restricted somewhat having to bowl only 10 overs. But in that spell will endeavour to maintain their reputations.

Source: The Daily News

Contributed by CricInfo Management
Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 15:08