Fire in Calcutta, smoke in Goa

By Brother Baptist Croos, FSC

Thursday 08, January 1998

Arguably it was a matchless innings from the man of the match. It had to be that way. Time and again the maestro, Aravinda de Silva, has played the vital role of a saviour and come out triumphantly with a match-winning performance. His jewel of an innings at Goa could be adjudged as one of his best, considering the atrocious umpiring, the partisan and unruly crowd with a sprinkling of vandals and hooligans. Since his innings was matchless, I presume someone had to strike a match. Hey presto! Fire in Calcutta but smoke in Goa! What a shame and a disgusting scenario for a gentlemen's game. Nonetheless, Aravinda blossomed like a lotus in a mud-pond making himself the cynosure of all eyes.


Undoubtedly cricketing standards are falling at an appalling rate. Money is not the problem I guess, but ineffective management seems to be the core of inconsistency, sub-standard umpiring, unruly crowd and unsuited pitches. Kapil Dev could hold an inquiry for all its worth, but less can be done now. It is perfectly useless to cry over spilt milk. Drastic measures should be taken to bring back once glorious image of Indian cricket that has been tarnished by inefficient organizers and unsportive spectators. India is a formidable cricketing nation and I'm surprised that the authorities have allowed the high standards to deteriorate so quickly.


Indiscipline is gradually creeping through the societies, including ours. Even in the highest seat of learning, the Universities, indiscipline has been permitted beyond measure, resulting in inhuman ragging and tragic deaths. At least in the sports arena, our behaviour could be of very high standards. Hundreds of policemen and security officials instantly become passive spectators sans tickets.


Obviously patriotism is pivotal for all of us. This salient virtue must be cultivated at all costs, in the right sense of the word. One needs maturity to control it, like freedom needing responsibility to temper it. Without responsibility it would be like the freedom of a raging bull in a China-shop. The eminent statesman Adlai Stevenson said, ``Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a life time.'' This needs class and courtesy, poise and dignity, responsibility and maturity.


Playing a sheet-anchor role, Aravinda effaced all the miseries and mockeries of cricket, the gentleman's game, with his stylish hooks, majestic pulls and astute pushes. Being in his element, quite calm, sedate and dignified, as a true cricketer ought to be, Aravinda played a brilliant innings. The adjudicator's job was all the more made easier. There could be no other competitor. Aravinda was definitely the man of the match.

Source: The Daily News

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 19:03