Cricketing cavaliers break loose

By Brother Baptist Croos FSC

Tuesday 27, January 1998

Certainly it was inspirational! The Asgiriya Test spoke voluminously about the extraordinary cricketing abilities of our indefatigable cavaliers and the Test in Colombo spoke louder still, meriting our praises and admiration in the process. Our cricketers are made of sterner stuff and they proved their mettle beyond any doubt.


In Asgiriya Marvan Atapattu excelled triumphantly notching a scintillating double century and Muttiah Muralitharan mesmerized the Zimbabweans with his magical spell, bagging 12 scalps for 117. It was a glorious and historic moment for both of them who have had their share of frustration and humiliation earlier in their otherwise illustrious careers. Both have had their bad patches. Both had felt somewhat marginalised due to poor performance. Leaving behind all those misfortunes they taught us a lesson on perseverance. Now they shine brilliantly in the cricketing firmament.


In the Second test at the SSC grounds, the Sri Lankan accepted the mighty challenge posed by the Zimbabweans and tore their fearsome attack part and notched up a formidable 326 runs in the second innings, demonstrating to the cricketing world that. ``Where there is a will, there is a way''.

Hats off to Aravinda the most responsible, consistent and dependable cricketer Sri Lanka has ever produced, to Ranatunga, one of the best and cool-headed Captain's in the world and to Sanath Jayasuriya, the master-blaster who can be belligerent when the occasion calls for it.


The Zimbabweans cannot be taken lightly any more. They have come of age and their approach to the game is praiseworthy. Their fielding is superb, batting imposing and bowling accurate. To have won the series against such a remarkable team, the Sri Lankan deserve our heartiest kudos and accolades. Warmest felicitations to Arjuna and his elite men.


In the rough and tumble moments of modern cricket, when decisions of the umpires are overtly challenged, resulting in fiery exchange of words, it is quite evident that the gentleman's game is getting a good hiding. Definitely the spirit of sportsmanship is at stake. Somehow or other we moderns lack patience and forbearance. Words hurt beyond measure. Controlling one's temper seems to be rather difficult nowadays. Considering the prestige and financial gains attached to the game, the immature behaviour of some of the cricketers seems quite understandable, through unbecoming. However in fairness to the game, players must learn to accept disappointments and frustrations manfully.

It is a tough world alright, but as the saying goes, ``When the going gets tough, the tough get going.'' Never mind the ugly incidents and nasty remarks. Get on with the game and exhibit the stuff you are made of. To quote an apt African proverb, ``Smooth seas seldom make skilful sailors.''

Source: The Daily News

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 19:04