
Denmark in Zimbabwe, 1998-99
As seen by Denmark coach, Ole Mortensen - 17 April 1999

As part of Denmark's preparations for this year's Nat West Trophy in England plus the visits by Pakistan A and Sri Lanka A in July, Denmark was invited to visit Zimbabwe from March 10-20. The agreement was to play six one-day matches during the nine-day period, a very strenuous program under foreign conditions outside the Danish season, which would certainly test the physical and mental strength of our players.

Innes Louw, who is a board member of Mashonaland, met the party at Harare airport and we were ushered out to the waiting mini-buses. We then drove in single column out to our hotel ``Harare Monomotapa'', which turned out to be a most pleasant experience during our stay in Harare. In the afternoon there was a three-hour training session at Harare Sports Club, as it was important to get the players out on the grass to get used to the grass pitches before the first match the following day against Mashonaland.