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    Except as herein modified, altered or added to, all the matches shall be played in accordance with MCC Laws or Cricket 1980 Code, II edition as amended.

    1.a LAW 2.1 SUBSTITUTES:

    In normal circumstances, a substitute shall be allowed to field only for a player who satisfies the Umpires that he has been injured or become ill during the match. However, in very exceptional circumstances the Umpires may use their discretion to allow substitute for a Player who has to leave the field or does not take the field for other wholly acceptable reasons, subject to consent being given by the opposing Captain. If a Player wishes to change his shirt, boots etc., he may leave the field to do so (no changing on the field), but no substitute will be allowed.

    A Player who suffers an injury caused by an external blow (as opposed to an internal injury such as a pulled muscle) and has to leave the field for medical attention may subject to the Umpires approval, bowl immediately after his return, irrespective of the length of time for which he has been absent.

    Providing substitute Runner for batsman is discouraged and should be given only in exceptional circumstances.


    i. No fieldsman shall leave the field or return during a session of play without the consent of the Umpire at the bowler's end. The Umpire's consent is also necessary if a substitute is required for a fieldsman at the start of play or when his side returns to the field after an interval.

    If a member of the fielding side does not take the field at the start of play, leaves the field or fails to return after an interval and is absent from the field longer than 8 minutes:-

    a). The Player shall not be permitted to bowl in that innings after his return until he has been on the field for atleast that length of playing time for which he was absent.

    b). The Player shall not be permitted to bat unless or until, in the aggregate, he has returned to the field or his side's innings has been in progress for at least that length of playing time for which he has been absent or, if earlier, when his side has lost five (5) wickets.

    The restriction in (a) and (b) above shall not apply if the player has been absent for exceptional and acceptable reasons (other than injury of illness) and consent for a substitute has been granted by the opposing Captain.

    In the event of a fieldsman already being off the field at the commencement of an interruption of play through ground, weather and light conditions, he shall be allowed to count any such stoppage time as playing time, provided that he personally informs the Umpires when he is fit enough to take the field has play been in progress.

    2. LAW 24.1 MODE OF DELIVERY: Will apply with addition as under:

    a). Under arm bowling is not permitted.

    b). The Umpire at the bowler's end shall call and signal "No Ball" if a ball which the Umpire considers to have been delivered.

    i. Bounces more than twice or
    ii. Rolls along the ground or
    iii. Comes to rest before it reaches the striker or if not otherwise played by the striker before it reaches the popping crease.

    If the ball comes to rest in such circumstances, the Striker has a right without interference from the fielding side, to make one attempt to hit the ball.

    If the fielding side interferes, the Umpires shall replace the ball where it came to rest and shall order the fieldsmen to resume the places they occupied in the field before the ball was delivered.

    The Umpire shall call and signal "Dead Ball" as soon as it is clear that the striker does not intend to hit the ball or after the Striker has made an unsuccessful attempt to hit the ball.


    i. A bowler shall be limited to one fast short pitched delivery per over.

    ii. A fast short pitched ball is defined as a ball which passes or would have passed above the shoulder height or the Batsman standing upright at the crease.

    iii. In the event of a bowler bowling more than one fast short pitched delivery in an over, the Umpire shall call and signal "No Ball" on each occasion.

    iv. The penalty for a fast short pitched "No Ball" shall be one run, plus any runs scored from the delivery.

    The above regulation is not a substitute for Law 42.8 which Umpires are able to apply at any time

    If an Umpire calls and Signals any type of a 'No Ball' the Penalty of One Run for 'No Ball' will be scored as well as any runs scored or awarded will be added to the penalty of 'No Ball'.


    The bowling of fast short pitched balls is unfair, if the Umpire at the Bowler's end considers that by their repetition and taking into account their length, height and direction, they are likely to inflict physical injury on the Striker, irrespective of the protective clothing and equipment he may be wearing. The relative skill of the Striker shall also be taken into consideration.

    In the event of such unfair bowling, the Umpire at the Bowler's end shall adopt the following procedure.

    a. In the first instance the Umpire shall call and signal "No Ball" caution the bowler and inform the other Umpire, the Captain of the fielding side and the Batsman of what has occurred.

    b. If this caution is ineffective, he shall repeat the above procedure and indicate to the Bowler that it is a final warning.

    c. Both the above caution and final warning shall continue to apply even though the bowler may later change ends.

    Should the above warning prove ineffective the Umpire at the Bowler's and shall:-

    i. At the first repetition call and signal "No Ball and when the ball is dead direct the Captain to take the Bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another Bowler, provided that the Bowler does not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively. See Law 22.7 (Bowler incapacitated or Suspended during an over).

    ii. Not allow the bowler, thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings.

    iii. Report the occurrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as the Players leave the field for an interval.

    iv. Report the occurrence to the Executive of the fielding side and to any governing body responsible for the match who shall take any further action which is considered to be appropriate against the Bowler concerned.


    Delete Law 42.9 and Law 42 Note (e) and insert the following:

    "A fast high full pitch shall be defined as a ball that passes, or would have passed, on the full above the waist height of a batsman standing upright at the crease".

    Should a bowler bowl a fast high pitched ball, either Umpire shall call and signal "No Ball".

    In the event of such unfair bowling Umpire at the bowler's end shall adopt the procedure of caution, final warning, action against the bowler and reporting as set out in Law 42.8 of the "Laws of Cricket".

    6. LAW 42.13 'PLAYERS' CONDUCT:

    a. The Captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the spirit of the game as well as with in the laws.

    b. Players and Team officials shall not at any time engage in conduct which could bring them or the game into disrepute.

    c. Entering the field of play by players and officials, arguing with the Umpires on and off the field and abusing the Umpires by Players and Officials will be treated as misconduct.

    In the event of a Player, Bowler found guilty of misbehavior or of using offensive comments on the field such as:-

    i. Swearing at the Umpires, batsman of any other Player,

    ii. Showing Public dissent at the Umpire's decision

    iii. Man handling the Umpires

    iv. Kicking the stumps or indulging in any ungentlemanly and unsporting conduct which might bring the game into disrepute, the Umpire concerned shall in the first place announce and call and signal "Dead Ball" and suspend the bowler from further bowling in that innings, and allow another bowler to complete the over from the same end, provided this bowler shall not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively in that innings.

    If a fielder other than the bowler indulges in such acts as stated above, the Umpire shall direct the Captain of the fielding side to send the concerned fielder out of the field for that session and no substitute shall be allowed in his absence.

    In addition to taking action as stated above, the Umpires shall also report the occurrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as the Players leave the field for an interval.

    The Umpires shall also report to the Executive Authority of the fielding side and to the Governing Body responsible for the conduct of the match as well as to the Hon. Secretary of the Association to take any action against the concerned bowler or player.

    In the event of the batsman being found guilty of gross misbehavior or using offensive comments on the field such as :-

    i. Swearing at the Umpires, Bowler or any other Player, or a spectator.

    ii. Showing Public dissent at the Umpire's decisions.

    iii. Man handling an Umpire, the bowler, the fielder or a spectator.

    iv. Kicking the Stumps or hitting the Stumps with the bat when given 'OUT' or indulging in any ungentlemanly and unsporting conduct which might bring the game into disrepute, the Umpire at the bowlers' end shall report the occurrence to the Executive of the batting side and to any governing body responsible for that match as well as to the Hon.Secretary of the Association, who shall take appropriate action against the Player concerned.

    If the Captain does not comply with the decision of the Umpire to send the Player/Players off the field, both the Umpires consult with each other and award the match to the opposite side and report the matter to the Association.


    Players should be present in the proper Cricketing attire (Whites) and in case they do not present in the proper attire Umpires are empowered not to permit them to participate.


    Where matches are played on Turf wicket, wicket shall be covered before and during the match.

    8. LAW 32,38,41.4 PROTECTIVE HELMET:

    a. LAW 32.2(e) shall apply, but add:-

    The striker is out under this law if the ball is deflected from his bat onto his own protective helmet and he is subsequently caught. Runs may be scored off deflections from the batsman's or fielder's helmet.

    b. LAW 38 (Runout) will apply with the addition of Note(c)- Runout of a fieldman's helmet:-

    "If having been played by the batsman or having come off his person, the ball then rebounds directly for a fieldman's helmet on to the stumps with either batsman out of his ground, the batsman shall be not out".

    c. Protective helmets when not in use by the members of the fielding side, shall only be placed, if above the surface, on the ground behind the wicket keeper. In the event of the ball striking the helmet law 41.1 and 23.1(f) shall apply viz., either Umpire shall call and signal "Dead Ball" and five penalty runs shall be awarded.

    d. Umpires are not to hold helmets.

    e. Batsman who choose to use helmet must wear (or carry) them all the time or have them taken off or out of the ground during normal breaks in play and so avoid any time wasting.

    f. In all cases no actions involving helmets are to waste playing time.


    Umpires should fully take into account in limited over matches any deliberate slowing down of tempo by either batsman or fieldmen where it may be seen to be to the disadvantage of the opposite team.

    i. If in the opinion of the Umpires there is deliberate waste of time by the batsman, the Umpires are authorized to take action as under:-

    a) In the first infringement, a severe warning to the batsman.

    b) If the warning is unheeded, the overs bowled short by the fielding side as a result of deliberate waste of time by the batsman, no penalty shall be levied to the fielding side.

    c) The Umpires are authorized to asses the time that was wasted in arriving at the number of overs short.

    ii. The batsman will not leave their respective creases for consultations with each other during an over in progress. They may proceed for consultations in between the overs provided both the batsman are back in their respective creases when the bowler is ready to start his bowling run up.

    10. LAW 42.4 LIFTING THE SEAM:

    A Player shall not lift the seam for any reason. Should this be done, the Umpire shall change the ball, as per the choice of the batsman at the crease from among six balls of different wear including a new ball.


    If a batsman damages the pitch, the umpires after due caution will disallow any run(s) scored in that delivery as soon as the consider there is no immediate chance of a dismissal and ask the batsman to return to their original ends.


    The Captain of the fielding side may demand a New Ball after 50 overs have been bowled.

    In calculating the number of overs bowled, an over not completed by one bowler and completed by another bowler shall count as one.

    The over during which a new ball is taken, irrespective of at what stage of that over, shall be the first over in respect of the calculation for the next new ball.


    When the ball is dead, the ball will be handed over to the Umpire who was standing at the striker's end, and he will inspect the condition of the ball before the commencement of the next over. In addition, the Umpires shall make further frequent and irregular inspections of the condition of the ball and the ball shall remain in possession at the fall of wicket and at each drinks interval with Umpires.

    Teams participating shall carry additional Balls old and new for replacements if necessary during play.

    13. LAW 25 WIDE BALL:

    i. Umpires are instructed to apply a very strict and consistent interpretation in regard to this law in order to prevent negative bowling wide of the wicket.

    ii. Any offside or legside delivery which in the opinion of the Umpire does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score shall be called a WIDE.

    As a guide, on the legside a ball landing clearly outside the leg stump and going further away shall be called a wide. The above provision do not apply if the striker makes contact with the ball.


    If an Umpire calls and signals 'WIDE' the penalty of one run for 'WIDE' will be scored plus any other runs which are scored or awarded also shall be scored as 'WIDES'.

    14. LAW 19.1 BOUNDARY:

    a. No fielder shall be outside the playing area (boundary line), when the ball is in play. If the fielder is found outside the boundary, then either Umpire can signal "No Ball".


    The ball is in play when the bowler takes a start to deliver the ball.

    b. If an unauthorized person enters the playing area and handles the ball, the Umpire at the bowlers end shall be the sole judge of whether the boundary allowance should be scored and the ball be treated as still in play or called "Dead Ball" if a batsman is likely to be out as a result of the unauthorized person handling the ball.

    15. LAW 24.8 PENALTY (NO BALL) & (WIDE BALL):

    No Balls and wides not scored shall be added to the relevant bowler's analysis, as they occur, during the course of timings.


    An over cannot be classified as a maiden if a no ball or wide occurs during the over.


    a. There shall be not more than five fieldsmen on the onside at the instant of delivery throughout the match and not more than two behind the popping crease on the onside.

    b. In the event of an infringement, the square leg Umpire shall call and signal "No Ball".


    1. Teams to represent the Club / Institution in these Tournaments (including the 12th Man and Substitutes) shall be selected only from the registered players of the Club/Institution.

    2. Each side expected to play with the full complement of eleven players.

    3. No Player shall play for more than one team.

    4. The list of fixtures is normally sent by post and non receipt of the fixtures list will not be considered as an excuse for teams failing to turn up for matches fixed as such. A list of scheduled matches will be notified on the notice board of the Association and they are Official and Final.

    5. The dates and venues for all the matches will be fixed and the Umpires appointed by the Association.

    The dates once fixed for the matches shall be binding on the teams and shall not ordinarily be altered. The Association will not entertain request for postponement.

    Cancelled matches will be posted before the following weekend. The participating teams shall contact office of the KSCA for dates and venues.

    6. Team absenting from the match will be considered as having lost the match and the match will be awarded to the opponents.

    In the event, the team absents from further match/matches, the team will be considered as having not participated in the tournament and will be removed from the League table treating the matches played by them if any, as Null & Void.

    7. UMPIRES:

    On no account the match shall be called off, if the wicket is prepared. Even if both the Umpires are absent the teams shall appoint the Umpires and playout the match failing which, both the teams will be awarded Zero points. If one of the teams is prepared to play and the other refuses to play, the match will be awarded to the team which is willing to play. The team willing to play will intimate the Office of KSCA in writing immediately.

    If one of the appointed Umpires is present, he shall appoint the other Umpire and proceed with the match. His decision of appointing the other Umpire is binding on both teams. The side refusing to play shall be deemed to have lost the match.


    Request for postponement of matches will not be entertained. The practice of postponing matches of teams from whom Players are drawn for representative matches like Buchi Babu, Moin-Ud-Dowla Tournament et., is discontinued. Similarly request for postponement of matches will not be entertained on account of SAS Memorial Tournament. However performance of Players in league matches will be reckoned for any selections.


    When the start the match is delayed on account of ground being not ready or fit to start the match on time or for any other genuine reason, the period of lunch shall be curtailed by as much time as has been lost and in any case not more than 20 minutes.

    No match should be called off in the league stage of the match and effort should be made to start the match to provide as much play as possible to both sides. Lunch interval may be dispensed with if necessary or the match could be started with an early Lunch.


    No protest on the decisions of the Umpires shall be entertained. If however any breach of Rules, Rules of registration etc., are brought to notice of the Association, suitable action as deemed fit will be taken by the Association. Protest if any shall accompany with a fee of Rs.200/- and should be submitted to the Association within 24 hours after the completion of the match in case of Knock-out matches and 48 hours in case of league matches.

    Expenses of all matches regarding lunch, Cricket Balls, transport etc., shall be met by the competing teams.

    13. FOOT WEAR:

    On matting wickets use of Spiked Shoes by bowlers & batsmen is not permitted.


    There will be no covering of the pitch in all these matches except for matches played on Turf Wickets.

    15.Infringement of these rules will entail action against the Players and the Club/Institution concerned.

    16. No Cricket Balls other than those approved by the Association shall be used in these league/Knock-out Tournament. All teams shall use only such Cricket Balls as has been approved by the Association for respective tournaments. Breach of these rules will invite serious consequences. In the event, if any Club brings Cricket Balls not in the list of KSCA approved balls for the Tournament, it will be treated as a default on the part of the Club and the Umpires will be forced to award the match to the opponents. This may kindly be noted by all Clubs participating in various tournaments and avoid such situations.

    17. The interpretation of these rules and their construction and effect shall rest with the Tournament Committee of the Association and any ruling given by the said committee shall be conclusive, final and binding up on the Players and Clubs. No appeal against the decision of the said committee shall lie in any form. The tournament committee shall have the power to dispose off all the matters concerned with the tournament.

    The tournament committee appointed by the Managing Committee of the Association shall be in charge for the conduct of the tournaments. The tournament committee shall have power to consider the report of the Umpires and take necessary action regarding the ground condition and about the Players and the Teams and such other powers as are necessary for the conduct of the Tournament.

    The Managing Committee shall have power to dispose of all matters concerned with these league tournaments.

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Date-stamped : 14 Aug2000 - 14:22