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Karnataka Ladies Cricket Association State League, 2000-01




Except as varied hereunder, the laws of cricket (1980) shall apply in matches.


Normal scheduled hours will be:

First Match 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
10:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Second Match 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM


One drink break only per session is permitted, 1 hour from start. Drink interval will be limited to 5 minutes only and Umpires must enforce this rigidly.

Provision will be made for an individual fielder to be given a drink outside the boundary, provided that no playing time is wasted.


3.1 In an uninterrupted match:

a) Each team shall bat for 30 (six balls) overs unless all out earlier.

b) If the team fielding first fails to bowl 30 overs by the schedule time for cessation of the first session, the over in progress shall be completed and the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs as the innings of team batting first.

Unless otherwise determined by the Umpires, the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs bowled by it, at the scheduled time for cessation of the first session. The over in progress at the scheduled cessation time shall count as a completed over.

c) If the team batting first is all out and the last wicket falls at or after the scheduled time for the interval the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the first (an over in which the last wicket falls to count as complete over).

d) If the team batting first is dismissed in less than 30 overs, the team batting second shall be entitled to bat for 30 overs except as provided in (c) above.

e) If the team fielding second fails to bowl 30 overs or the number of overs as provided in 5.1(b), (c) or (d) by the scheduled cessation of time, the hours of play shall be extended until the required number of overs has been bowled or a result is achieved.

3.2 In matches where play is delayed or interrupted:

a) The object should always be to rearrange the number of overs so that both teams have the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs (minimum 15 overs each team).

b) If the number of overs of the team batting first is reduced, a fixed time will be specified for the completion of its innings as calculated by applying clause 3.2(a) above.

c) If the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled time for cessation of the first session, the over in progress shall be completed and the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs as the innings of the team batting first.

d) If the team fielding second fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled cessation time, the hours of play shall be extended until the overs have been bowled or a result achieved.

e) If the team batting first is all out and the last wicket falls at or after the scheduled time for the interval, the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs as the innings of the team batting first. (THE OVER IN WHICH THE LAST WICKET FALLS TO COUNT AS COMPLETE OVER).

f) If the innings of the team batting second is delayed or interrupted and it is not possible for that team to have the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs as the side batting first, the overs to be bowled shall be reduced at the rate of 15 overs per hour for time lost.

g) The team batting second shall not bat for a greater number of overs than the first team unless the latter has been all out in less than the agree number of overs.

h) Fractions are to be ignored in all calculations regarding number of overs.


a) In a 30 overs match, no bowler shall bowl more than Six (6) ball overs in an innings.

b) In a match, where the start is delayed and the innings of both the teams is restricted from the start to less than 30 overs, no bowler may bowl more than one fifth of the total overs allowed except that when the total number of overs is not divisible by five, an additional over shall be allowed to the minimum number of bowlers necessary to make up the balance. E.g in a 23 overs match, two bowlers may bowl a minimum of 4 overs and no other bowler more than 5 overs.

c) In the event of the bowler breaking down and being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls will be bowled by another bowler. Such part of an over will count as full over only in so far as each bowlers limit is concerned.


a) Umpires are instructed to apply a very strict and consistent interpretation in regard to this law in order to prevent negative bowling wide of the wicket.

b) Any off-side or leg-side delivery which in the opinion of the umpires does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score shall be called a wide. As a guide on the leg side a ball landing clearly outside the leg stump going further away shall be called a wide.

The above provision does not apply if the striker makes a contact with the ball.


a) No bowler may deliver the ball under arm.

b) If the bowler bowls a ball that passes or would have passed on the full above waist height of a batsman standing upright at the crease, either umpire shall immediately call signal No Ball.


No Balls and Wides not scored from shall be added to the relevant bowlers' analysis, as they occur, during the course of the innings.

NOTE: An over cannot be classified as a maiden if a No Ball or Wide occurs during the over.


a) In normal circumstances, a substitute shall be allowed to field only for a player who satisfies the umpires that she has been injured or become ill during the match. However, in very exceptional cirucmstances the umpires may use their discretion to allow a substitute for a player who has to leave the field or does not take the field for wholly acceptable reasons, subject to consent being given by the opposing Captain. If a player wishes to change her shirt, boots etc., one may leave the field to do so, (no changing on the field), but no substitute will be allowed.

b) A player who suffers an injury caused by an external blow, as opposed to an internal injury, such as a pulled muscle, and has to leave the field for medical attention may, subject to the Umpire's approval, bowl immediately after her return, irrespective of the length of time for which the player has been absent.


The Umpires will only suspend, or continue to suspend play for bad light when they consider that there is a risk of serious physical injury to the batsman.

No appeal shall be upheld by the Umpires against the sahdow of the stadium, building or tree falling on the pitch.

a) In order to make play possible, the Umpires may decide, following consultations with the Captains, to have particularly wet or muddy areas covered by mats or blankets whilst play is in progress.

b) The umpires may instruct the groundsmen to use available equipment, including any roller, for this purpose of drying the pitch and making it fit for play.

c) Following any inspection the umpires will report finding immediately to both Captains and to the ground authority.


a) At the instance of delivery, minimum of four fielders (plus the bowler and wicket keeper) must be within an area bounded by two semi-circles centered on each middle stump (each with a radius of 30 yards) and joined by parallel line on each side of the pitch.

b) There shall be not more than five fileders on the on side at the instant of delivery throughout the match and not more than two behind the popping crease on the on side.

c) In the event of an infringement, the square leg umpire shall call and signal "No Ball".


Law 14 will not apply in this competition. The Captain of the batting team may not declare her innings closed at any time during the course of the match.


a) A result can be achieved only if both teams have batted at least 15 overs, unless one team has been all out in less than 15 overs or unless the team batting second scores enough runs to win in less than 15 overs.

b) In the matches in which both teams have had the opportunity of 30 overs each in an uninterrupted match, the team scoring the higher number of runs shall be the winner.

c) If the scores are equal, the result shall be a tie.

In the event of a tie, the following will apply :

I. The team losing lesser number of wickets will be the winner.

II. If the result cannot be decided by (i) above, the winner will be the team with the higher score :

After 25 overs or if still equal

After 20 overs or if still equal

After 15 overs and if it is still equal the match will be treated as a tie & both teams will be awarded a point apiece (refer clause 14)


In the event of a team being all out in less than their full quota of overs, the calculation of their run rate shall be based on the full quota of overs to which they would have been entitled and not the number of overs in which they were dismissed.


For winning a match, a team will get 2 Points

For losing a match, a team will get 0 Points

For tied match 1 Point apiece

For incomplete / abandoned match 1 point apiece


When there is a tie in the overall tally of points, the team with a better run quotient will be declared the winner. The run quotient is arrived at by dividing the total number of runs scored by the team in the tournament by the total number of wickets lost in the tournament divided by the total number of runs given by total number of wickets taken.

Run quotient - (Total Runs scored/Total Wickets lost) / (Total Runs given / Total Wickets taken)


In the event of the team batting first being all out in less than its full quota of overs to which it would have been entitled the average run rate will be calculated on the number of overs to which they are entitled and not on the number of overs in which it is dismissed.

If due to suspension of play the number of overs in the innings of the team batting second has to be revised to a lesser number (minimum 15 overs) than that allotted to the team batting first, their target score which they must exceed to win the match shall be calculated by multiplying the revised number of overs by the average runs per over scored by the team batting first. While arriving at the target, any fraction thereof is to be ignored.

Matches in which one or both teams have not had the opportunity to bat for a minimum of 15 overs shall be considered as incomplete and equal points will be allotted to both teams.

The match which is abandoned without a ball being bowled will be considered as abandoned and 1 point apiece will be awarded to both the teams.


All disputes of any nature shall be reffered to the Karnataka Ladies Cricket Association within 1 hour of the completion of the disputed match along with a protest fee of Rs.500/-. The Technical committee of KLCA shall be the sole authority to decide on the disputes without assigning any reasons thereof.


The Technical committee for the tournament shall comprise of :

a) Shantha Rangaswamy Chair Person

b) Mala Sundareshan

c) Kalpana Venkatachar

Date-stamped : 15 Sep2000 - 10:22