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2000 Fixtures

April | May | June | July | August | September

University Matches
       Oxford Universities   v   Somerset               Taunton
       Cambridge University  v   Lancashire             Fenner's
University Matches
       Nottinghamshire       v   Cambridge University   Nottingham
       Hampshire             v   Oxford Universities    The Parks

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Derbyshire            v   Leicestershire         Derby
       Durham                v   Yorkshire              Chester-le-Street
       Essex                 v   Surrey                 Chelmsford
       Glamorgan             v   Gloucestershire        Cardiff
       Hampshire             v   Middlesex              Southampton
       Kent                  v   Sussex                 Canterbury
       Lancashire            v   Nottinghamshire        Manchester       
       Northamptonshire      v   Worcestershireshire    Northampton
       Warwickshire          v   Somerset               Birmingham

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Gloucestershire       v   Warwickshire           Bristol
       Leicestershire        v   Durham                 Leicester
       Middlesex             v   Essex                  Lord's
       Nottinghamshire       v   Derbyshire             Nottingham
       Somerset              v   Northamptonshire       Taunton
       Surrey                v   Kent                   The Oval
       Worcestershire        v   Glamorgan              Worcester
       Yorkshire             v   Lancashire             Leeds

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Durham                v   Lancashire             Chester-le-Street
       Kent                  v   Essex                  Canterbury
       Sussex                v   Surrey                 Hove      
       Warwickshire          v   Northamptonshire       Birmingham
       Worcestershire        v   Gloucestershire        Worcester 

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Essex                 v   Hampshire              Chelmsford
       Somerset              v   Glamorgan              Taunton
       Yorkshire             v   Leicestershire         Leeds

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Derbyshire            v   Lancashire             Derby
       Hampshire             v   Kent                   Southampton
       Middlesex             v   Sussex                 Lord's
       Northamptonshire      v   Gloucestershire        Northampton
       Nottinghamshire       v   Durham                 Nottingham

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Middlesex             v   Surrey                 Lord's
       Somerset              v   Worcestershire         Taunton

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Derbyshire            v   Yorkshire              Derby
       Glamorgan             v   Warwickshire           Cardiff
       Leicestershire        v   Nottinghamshire        Leicester

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Sussex                v   Hampshire              Hove

Benson & Hedges Cup
       Durham                v   Derbyshire             Chester-le-Street
       Essex                 v   Sussex                 Chelmsford
       Gloucestershire       v   Somerset               Gloucester
       Kent                  v   Middlesex              Canterbury
       Lancashire            v   Leicestershire         Manchester
       Northamptonshire      v   Glamorgan              Northampton
       Nottinghamshire       v   Yorkshire              Nottingham
       Surrey                v   Hampshire              The Oval
       Warwickshire          v   Worcestershire         Birmingham

University Matches

       Cambridge University  v   Essex                  Fenner's
       Oxford Universities   v   Warwickshire           The Parks

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Derbyshire            v   Leicestershire         Derby
       Kent                  v   Lancashire             Canterbury
       Somerset              v   Surrey                 Taunton

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Gloucestershire       v   Sussex                 Bristol
       Nottinghamshire       v   Northamptonshire       Nottingham
       Worcestershire        v   Glamorgan              Worcester

Tour Match
       Hampshire             v   Zimbabwe               Southampton

Norwich Union League Division One

       Gloucestershire       v   Sussex                Bristol
       Kent                  v   Lancashire            Canterbury
       Worcestershire        v   Yorkshire             Worcester

Norwich Union League Division Two

       Glamorgan             v   Surrey                Cardiff
       Middlesex             v   Essex                 Chelmsford
       Nottinghamshire       v   Durham                Nottingham


Norwich Union League Division One
       Kent                  v   Northamptonshire      Canterbury
       Leicestershire        v   Sussex                Leicester
       Somerset              v   Gloucestershire       Taunton

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Derbyshire            v   Middlesex             Derby
       Hampshire             v   Warwickshire          Southampton
**NatWest Trophy Round 1
1.     Herefordshire         v   Sussex CB             Colwall
2.     Northamptonshire CB   v   Northumberland        Northampton
3.     Hertfordshire         v   Cambridgeshire        Hertford
4.     Cheshire              v   Lincolnshire          Boughton Hall
5.     Ireland               v   Shropshire            Clontarf
6.     Worcestershire CB     v   Kent CB               Kidderminster
7.     Staffordshire         v   Somerset CB           Walsall
8.     Wiltshire             v   Scotland              South Wilts
9.     Wales                 v   Buckinghamshire       Pontarddulais
10.    Gloucestershire CB    v   Nottinghamshire CB    Cheltenham
11.    Durham CB             v   Leicestershire CB     Gateshead Fell
12.    Suffolk               v   Lancashire CB         Mildenhall
13.    Cornwall              v   Norfolk               Truro
14.    Hampshire CB          v   Huntingdonshire       Cove

**Wed 3 May is reserve day for NatWest Trophy Round 1 matches

University Match
       Cambridge University  v   Worcestershire         Fenner's

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Durham                v   Surrey                 Chester-le-Street

University Match
       Gloucestershire       v   Oxford Universities       Bristol

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Hampshire             v   Somerset               Southampton
       Lancashire            v   Leicestershire         Manchester
       Yorkshire             v   Derbyshire             Leeds

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Essex                 v   Nottinghamshire        Chelmsford
       Middlesex             v   Northamptonshire       Lord's
       Warwickshire          v   Glamorgan              Birmingham

Tour Match
       Kent                  v   Zimbabwe               Canterbury

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Durham                v   Surrey                 Chester-le-Street

Norwich Union League Division One
      Lancashire             v  Leicestershire          Manchester
      Northamptonshire       v  Gloucestershire         Northampton
      Yorkshire              v  Worcestershire          Leeds

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Essex                  v  Nottinghamshire         Chelmsford
      Middlesex              v  Hampshire               Lords
      Warwickshire           v  Glamorgan               Birmingham

Tour Match  
      Sussex                 v  Zimbabwe                Hastings

*Benson and Hedges quarter-finals

      Glamorgan              v  Hampshire               Cardiff
      Lancashire             v  Durham                  Manchester
      Yorkshire              v  Surrey                  Leeds
      Sussex                 v  Gloucestershire         Hove

* Reserve day on Wed 10 May

Tour Match
      Essex                  v Zimbabwe                 Chelmsford

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Durham                 v  Lancashire              Chester-le-Street
      Leicestershire         v  Somerset                Leicester
      Surrey                 v  Kent                    The Oval

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Glamorgan              v  Gloucestershire         Cardiff
      Northamptonshire       v  Nottinghamshire         Northampton
      Sussex                 v  Warwickshire            Hove
      Worcestershire         v  Middlesex               Worcester

Tour Match
      Essex                  v  Zimbabwe                Chelmsford

University Match
      Cambridge University   v  Derbyshire              Fenner's
PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Yorkshire              v  Hampshire               Leeds

**NatWest Trophy Round 2 
15.   Sussex CB              v  Berkshire               Hastings
16.   Northumberland         v  Bedfordshire            Jesmond
17.   Cambridgeshire         v  Cumberland              March Town
18.   Lincolnshire           v  Holland                 Grantham
19.   Shropshire             v  Surrey CB               Shifnal
20.   Warwickshire CB        v  Kent CB                 Stratford-upon-Avon
21.   Devon                  v  Staffordshire           Torquay
22.   Middlesex CB           v  Wiltshire               Southgate
23.   Wales                  v  Oxfordshire             Cardiff
24.   Derbyshire CB          v  Gloucestershire CB      Heanor Town
25.   Durham CB              v  Denmark                 Hartlepool
26.   Essex CB               v  Lancashire CB           Chelmsford
27.   Dorset                 v  Norfolk                 Dean Park
28.   Huntingdonshire        v  Yorkshire CB            Godmanchester

**  Wed 17 May is reserve day for NatWest Round 2 matches

University Matches
      Oxford Universities    v  Glamorgan               The Parks
      Cambridge University   v  Middlesex               Fenner's

17  *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Sussex                v  Worcestershire          Hove

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Derbyshire             v  Yorkshire               Derby
      Leicestershire         v  Hampshire               Leicester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Nottinghamshire        v  Gloucestershire         Nottingham
      Warwickshire           v  Essex                   Birmingham

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Sussex                 v  Worcestershire          Hove

1st Test Match
      England                v  Zimbabwe                Lord's

Norwich Union League Division One
      Leicestershire         v  Kent                    Leicester
      Somerset               v  Northamptonshire        Taunton
      Yorkshire              v  Gloucestershire         Leeds

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Durham                 v  Glamorgan               Chester-le-Street
      Nottinghamshire        v  Derbyshire              Nottingham
      Surrey                 v  Middlesex               The Oval
      Warwickshire           v  Hampshire               Birmingham

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Hampshire              v   Lancashire             Southampton
      Kent                   v   Surrey                 Canterbury

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Gloucestershire        v  Worcestershire          Gloucester
      Essex                  v  Sussex                  Chelmsford
      Glamorgan              v  Warwickshire            Cardiff

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Durham                v   Leicestershire          Chester-le-Street
      Somerset              v   Derbyshire              Taunton

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Northamptonshire      v   Middlesex               Northampton

Tour Match
      Yorkshire             v   Zimbabwe                Leeds

Benson and Hedges first semi-final
      Glamorgan             v   Surrey                  Cardiff
Benson and Hedges second semi-final
      Gloucestershire       v   Lancashire              Bristol

*  Both semi-finals have one reserve day

Norwich Union League Division One
      Gloucestershire       v   Lancashire              Gloucester
      Kent                  v   Sussex                  Tunbridge Wells
      Worcestershire        v   Northamptonshire        Worcester

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Durham                v   Nottinghamshire         Chester-le-Street
      Glamorgan             v   Derbyshire              Cardiff

Tour Match
      MCC                   v   Zimbabwe                tbc

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Glamorgan             v   Derbyshire              Cardiff
      Surrey                v   Essex                   The Oval

30 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Surrey               v   Hampshire               The Oval

31 *Day Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Warwickshire         v   Nottinghamshire         Birmingham

31 May-3 Jun
PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Kent                  v   Durham                  Tunbridge Wells
      Lancashire            v   Derbyshire              Manchester
      Yorkshire             v   Leicestershire          Leeds

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Essex                 v   Northamptonshire        Ilford
      Middlesex             v   Gloucestershire         Lord's
      Sussex                v   Glamorgan               Hove


PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Surrey                v   Hampshire               The Oval

2nd Test Match
      England               v   Zimbabwe                Nottingham

Tour Match
      Worcestershire        v   West Indies             Worcester

2-5 Jun
PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Warwickshire          v   Nottinghamshire         Birmingham

Norwich Union League Division One
      Kent                  v   Gloucestershire         Tunbridge Wells
      Northamptonshire      v   Lancashire              Northampton
      Somerset              v   Sussex                  Bath
      Yorkshire             v   Leicestershire          Leeds

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Essex                 v   Durham                  Ilford
      Middlesex             v   Glamorgan               Lord's

Tour Match
      Glamorgan             v   West Indies             Cardiff

University Match
      Oxford Universities   v   Northamptonshire        The Parks

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Somerset              v   Kent                    Bath
      Lancashire            v   Hampshire               Liverpool

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Gloucestershire       v   Essex                   Bristol

Tour Match
      Ireland               v   Zimbabwe                Clontarf

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Derbyshire            v   Surrey                  Derby
      Durham                v   Yorkshire               Chester-le-Street

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Nottinghamshire       v   Worcestershire          Nottingham
      Sussex                v   Middlesex               Horsham

Tour Match
      Ireland               v   Zimbabwe                Clontarf

Benson and Hedges final                               
      Glamorgan             v   Gloucestershire         Lord's

* Sun 11 Jun reserve day for Benson & Hedges Final

Tour Match
      West Indies           v   Zimbabwe                Arundel

Tour Match
      British Universities  v   New Zealand 'A'         The Parks

Norwich Union League Division One
      Lancashire            v   Worcestershire          Manchester
      Somerset              v   Kent                    Somerset
      Sussex                v   Leicestershire          Horsham

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Derbyshire            v   Surrey                  Derby
      Nottinghamshire       v   Hampshire               Nottingham

13 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Glamorgan            v   Essex                   Cardiff

Tour Match
      Lancashire            v   New Zealand 'A'         Liverpool

14 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Worcestershire       v   Gloucestershire         Worcester

Tour Match
      England Board XI      v   Zimbabwe                Beaconsfield

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
      Hampshire             v   Durham                  Basingstoke
      Leicestershire        v   Derbyshire              Leicester
      Surrey                v   Somerset                The Oval
      Yorkshire             v   Kent                    Leeds

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Middlesex             v   Nottinghamshire         Lord's
      Northamptonshire      v   Warwickshire            Northampton

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
      Glamorgan             v   Essex                   Cardiff
      Worcestershire        v   Sussex                  Worcester

1st Test Match
      England               v   West Indies             Birmingham

Tour Match
      Gloucestershire       v   Zimbabwe                Gloucester

Norwich Union League Division One
      Northamptonshire      v   Somerset                Northampton
      Yorkshire             v   Kent                    Leeds

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Hampshire             v   Durham                  Basingstoke
      Middlesex             v   Derbyshire              Lord's

Tour Match
      Leicestershire        v   New Zealand 'A'         Leicester 

Tour Match
      Surrey                v   New Zealand 'A'         The Oval 

NatWest Trophy Round 3 
29.   Berkshire             v   Durham                  Finchampstead
30.   Northumberland        v   Leicestershire          Jesmond
31.   Cumberland            v   Kent                    Carlisle
32.   Lincolnshire          v   Lancashire              Cleethorpes
33.   Shropshire            v   Somerset                Telford
34.   Kent CB               v   Hampshire               Canterbury
35.   Devon                 v   Surrey                  Exmouth
36.   Middlesex CB          v   Sussex                  Southgate
37.   Wales                 v   Essex                   Swansea
38.   Derbyshire CB         v   Derbyshire              Derby
39.   Durham CB             v   Northamptonshire        Chester-le-Street
40.   Essex CB              v   Warwickshire            Billericay
41.   Dorset                v   Glamorgan               Dean Park
42.   Yorkshire CB          v   Yorkshire               Harrogate
43.   Worcestershire        v   Gloucestershire         Worcester
44.   Middlesex             v   Nottinghamshire         Lord's

* Thu 22 June reserve day for NatWest Round 3 

University Match
      British Univerities   v   Zimbabwe                Fenner's

Tour Match
      West Indies           v   New Zealand 'A'         Chelmsford

23 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Sussex               v   Kent                    Hove
      *Lancashire           v   Northamptonshire        Manchester

Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Warwickshire         v   Surrey                  Birmingham

Norwich Union League Division One
      Gloucestershire       v   Yorkshire               Bristol
      Somerset              v   Worcestershire          Taunton

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Glamorgan             v   Hampshire               Cardiff
      Nottinghamshire       v   Essex                   Nottingham

Norwich Union League Division One
      Leicestershire        v   Gloucestershire         Leicester
      Yorkshire             v   Northamptonshire        Leeds

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Durham                v   Middlesex               Chester-le-Street
      Warwickshire          v   Essex                   Birmingham

Tour Matches
      Hampshire             v   West Indies             Southampton
      Somerset              v   Zimbabwe                Taunton

26 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Derbyshire           v   Nottinghamshire         Derby

Tour Match
       Worcestershire       v   New Zealand 'A'         Worcester 

27 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Lancashire           v   Yorkshire               Manchester

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Hampshire            v   Surrey                  Southampton

Tour Match
       Durham               v   Zimbabwe                Chester-le-Street

28 Jun-1 Jul
PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Durham               v   Derbyshire              Darlington
       Kent                 v   Somerset                Maidstone

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Essex                v   Middlesex               Chelmsford
       Glamorgan            v   Worcestershire          Swansea
       Warwickshire         v   Gloucestershire         Birmingham

Tour Match
       Sussex               v   New Zealand 'A'         Hove

Tour Match
       Nottinghamshire      v   Zimbabwe                Nottingham

29 Jun-2 Jul
PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Hampshire            v   Surrey                  Southampton
       Lancashire           v   Yorkshire               Manchester
29 Jun-3 Jul
2nd Test Match
       England              v   West Indies             Lord's


Tour Match
       Northamptonshire     v   Zimbabwe                Northampton

Norwich Union League Division One
       Kent                 v   Somerset                Maidstone
       Northamptonshire     v   Sussex                  Northampton
       Worcestershire       v   Leicestershire          Worcester

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Durham               v   Derbyshire              Darlington
       Essex                v   Middlesex               Chelmsford
       Glamorgan            v   Warwickshire            Swansea

3 *Day/Night
Tour Match
       *Zimbabwe            v   New Zealand 'A'         Bristol
4 *Day/Night
Tour Match
       *West Indies         v   New Zealand 'A'         Bristol
NatWest Trophy Round 4 
45.   Durham                v   Hampshire               Chester-le-Street
46.   Northamptonshire      v   Yorkshire               Northampton
47.   Warwickshire          v   Derbyshire              Birmingham
48.   Lancashire            v   Essex                   Manchester
49.   Middlesex             v   Somerset                Southgate
50.   Kent                  v   Glamorgan               Canterbury
51.   Leicestershire        v   Gloucestershire         Leicester
52.   Surrey                v   Sussex                  The Oval

***Thu 6 July reserve day for NatWest Round 4

6 Day/Night
NatWest One Day Series
       *West Indies         v   Zimbabwe                Bristol

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Derbyshire           v   Lancashire              Derby
       Leicestershire       v   Surrey                  Oakham School
       Somerset             v   Hampshire               Taunton
       Yorkshire            v   Durham                  Leeds

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Middlesex            v   Worcestershire          Southgate
       Northamptonshire     v   Glamorgan               Northampton
       Nottinghamshire      v   Essex                   Nottingham
       Warwickshire         v   Sussex                  Birmingham

Tour Match
       FCC Select           v   New Zealand 'A'         Campbell Park

NatWest One Day Series
       England              v   Zimbabwe                The Oval

NatWest One Day Series
       England              v   West Indies             Lord's

NatWest One Day Series
       West Indies          v   Zimbabwe                Canterbury

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Derbyshire           v   Kent                    Derby
       Leicestershire       v   Durham                  Leicester
       Somerset             v   Lancashire              Taunton
       Surrey               v   Yorkshire               The Oval

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Gloucestershire      v   Northamptonshire        Cheltenham
       Middlesex            v   Glamorgan               Southgate
       Sussex               v   Essex                   Arundle
       Worcestershire       v   Nottinghamshire         Worcester

Tour Match
      Hampshire             v   New Zealand 'A'         Portsmouth 

13 *Day/Night
NatWest One Day Series
      *England              v   Zimbabwe                Manchester

NatWest One Day Series
       England              v   West Indies             Chester-le-Street

NatWest One Day Series
       West Indies          v   Zimbabwe                Chester-le-Street

Norwich Union League Division One
       Gloucestershire      v   Worcestershire          Cheltenham
       Leicestershire       v   Northamptonshire        Leicester
       Somerset             v   Lancashire              Taunton
       Sussex               v   Yorkshire               Arundel

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Derbyshire           v   Warwickshire            Derby
       Middlesex            v   Durham                  Southgate
       Surrey               v   Glamorgan               The Oval

Tour Match            
       Gloucestershire      v   New Zealand 'A'         Cheltenham

18 *Day/Night
NatWest One Day Series
      *England              v   Zimbabwe                Birmingham

Tour Match
       MCC(+WI)             v   New Zealand 'A'         The Parks

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Hampshire            v   Kent                    Portsmouth
       Lancashire           v   Durham                  Manchester
       Surrey               v   Leicestershire          Guildford
       Yorkshire            v   Somerset                Scarborough

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Essex                v   Worcestershire          Chelmsford
       Glamorgan            v   Northamptonshire        Cardiff
       Gloucestershire      v   Warwickshire            Cheltenham
       Sussex               v   Nottinghamshire         Hove

NatWest One Day Series
       England              v   West Indies             Nottingamshire
NatWest One Day Series Final
       England              v   Zimbabwe             Lord's

+Sun 23 July is reserve day for Triangular Tournament Final

Norwich Union League Division One
       Gloucestershire      v   Kent                    Cheltenham
       Leicestershire       v   Lancashire              Leicester
       Yorkshire            v   Somerset                Scarborough

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Essex                v   Derbyshire              Chelmsford
       Hampshire            v   Middlesex               Portsmouth
       Surrey               v   Nottinghamshire         Guildford
       Warwickshire         v   Durham                  Birmingham

Tour Match
       Yorkshire            v   West Indies             Leeds

NatWest Quarter-Finals
      Middlesex             v   Hampshire               Lord's
      Warwickshire          v   Glamorgan               Birmingham

NatWest Quarter-Finals
      Gloucestershire       v   Northamptonshire        Bristol
      Surrey                v   Lancashire              The Oval

*Quarter-finals played on 25 July have 26 & 27 as reserve days, those
played on 26 July have 27 as reserve day.

Tour Match
       Leicestershire       v   West Indies             Leicester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Durham               v   Somerset                Chester-le-Street
       Kent                 v   Derbyshire              Canterbury
       Yorkshire            v   Lancashire              Leeds

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Middlesex            v   Sussex                  Southgate
       Warwickshire         v   Northamptonshire        Birmingham
       Worcestershire       v   Gloucestershire         Worcester

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Hampshire            v   Essex                   Southampton

1 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Nottinghamshire      v   Warwickshire            Nottingham

2 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Northamptonshire     v   Worcestershire          Northampton

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Derbyshire           v   Hampshire               Derby
       Kent                 v   Leicestershire          Canterbury
       Somerset             v   Yorkshire               Taunton
       Surrey               v   Lancashire              The Oval

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Gloucestershire      v   Glamorgan               Bristol
       Middlesex            v   Essex                   Lord's

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Nottinghamshire      v   Warwickshire            Nottingham

3rd Test Match
       England              v   West Indies             Manchester
PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Northamptonshire     v   Worcestershire          Northampton

Norwich Union League Division One
       Kent                 v   Leicestershire          Canterbury
       Somerset             v   Yorkshire               Taunton

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Derbyshire           v   Hampshire               Derby
       Glamorgan            v   Durham                  Cardiff
       Middlesex            v   Surrey                  Lord's

7 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Sussex               v   Lancashire              Hove

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Hampshire            v   Leicestershire          Southampton  

9 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Gloucestershire      v   Somerset                Bristol
      *Yorkshire            v   Lancashire              Leeds

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Surrey               v   Warwickshire            Whitgift

Tour Match
       Derbyshire           v   West Indies             Derby

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Durham               v   Kent                    Chester-le-Street

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Northamptonshire     v   Sussex                  Northampton
       Nottinghamshire      v   Middlesex               Nottingham
       Worcestershire       v   Essex                   Kiddiminster

Norwich Union League Division One
       Lancashire           v   Gloucestershire         Manchester

NatWest Semi-Finals
       Warwickshire         v   Hampshire               Birmingham

NatWest Semi-Finals
       Gloucestershire      v   Lancashire              Bristol

* Each semi-final has one reserve day       

Tour Match              
       Scotland             v   West Indies             Uddingston, Glasgow

Norwich Union League Division One
       Northamptonshire     v   Leicestershire          Northampton
       Worcestershire       v   Sussex                  Worcester

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Derbyshire           v   Essex                   Derby
       Nottinghamshire      v   Middlesex               Nottingham

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Hampshire            v   Glamorgan               Southampton
       Durham               v   Warwickshire            Chester-le-Street

NatWest Under 19 International Match
1st Test Match
       England Under 19s    v   Sri Lankan Under 19s    Nottingham

15 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Lancashire           v   Kent                    Manchester

16 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Warwickshire         v   Middlesex               Birmingham

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Leicestershire       v   Yorkshire               Leicester
       Somerset             v   Durham                  Taunton
       Surrey               v   Derbyshire              The Oval

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Essex                v   Gloucestershire         Colchester
       Glamorgan            v   Nottinghamshire         Cardiff
       Sussex               v   Northamptonshire        Eastbourne

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Lancashire           v   Kent                    Manchester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Warwickshire         v   Middlesex               Birmingham

4th Test Match
       England              v   West Indies             Leeds

Norwich Union League Division One
       Leicestershire       v   Yorkshire               Leicester
       Sussex               v   Northamptonshire        Eastbourne
       Worcestershire       v   Somerset                Worcester
Norwich Union League Division Two
       Essex                v   Hampshire               Colchester
       Glamorgan            v   Nottinghamshire         Colwyn Bay
       Surrey               v   Derbyshire              The Oval

Under 19 Test Match
2nd Test Match
       England Under 19s    v   Sri Lankan Under 19s    Northampton

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Gloucestershire      v   Middlesex               Bristol
       Worcestershire       v   Warwickshire            Worcester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Derbyshire           v   Durham                  Derby
       Kent                 v   Hampshire               Canterbury
       Leicestershire       v   Lancashire              Leicester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Glamorgan            v   Sussex                  Colwyn Bay

23 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Essex                v   Surrey                  Colchester

Tour Match
       Somerset             v   West Indies             Taunton

NatWest Final                                    
       Gloucestershire      v   Warwickshire            Lord's
*Sun 27 Aug is reserve day for NatWest Final

Norwich Union League Division One
      Kent                  v   Worcestershire          Canterbury

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Derbyshire            v   Glamorgan               Derby
      Durham                v   Essex                   Chester-le-Street

28 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *?Gloucestershire     v   Leicestershire          Bristol
      Northamptonshire      v   Yorkshire               Northampton
      *Sussex               v   Somerset                Hove

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Middlesex             v   Nottinghamshire         Richmond

29 Aug-1 Sep
NatWest Under 19 International Match
3rd Test Match
       England Under 19s    v   Sri Lankan Under 19s    Worcester

29 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division Two
      *Durham               v   Hampshire               Chester-le-Street

30 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Somerset             v   Leicestershire          Taunton

30 Aug-2 Sep  
PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Yorkshire            v   Surrey                  Scarborough

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Essex                v   Glamorgan               Southend
       Northamptonshire     v   Gloucestershire         Northampton
       Nottinghamshire      v   Sussex                  Nottingham
       Warwickshire         v   Worcestershire          Birmingham
31 Aug-3 Sep
PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Durham               v   Hampshire               Chester-le-Street
31 Aug-4 Sep
5th Test Match
       England              v   West Indies             The Oval


PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Somerset             v   Leicestershire          Taunton

Norwich Union League Division One
      Northamptonshire      v   Kent                    Northampton
      Worcestershire        v   Lancashire              Worcester
      Yorkshire             v   Sussex                  Scarborough

Norwich Union League Division Two
      Essex                 v   Glamorgan               Southend
      Nottinghamshire       v   Surrey                  Nottingham
      Warwickshire          v   Derbyshire              Birmingham

Norwich Union League Division One
      Gloucestershire       v   Lancashire              Gloucester

5 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Kent                 v   Yorkshire               Canterbury
      *Sussex               v   Gloucestershire         Hove

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Middlesex            v   Warwickshire            Lord's

6 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Lancashire           v   Somerset                Manchester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Hampshire            v   Derbyshire              Southampton
       Surrey               v   Durham                  The Oval

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two  
       Northamptonshire     v   Essex                   Northampton 
       Nottinghamshire      v   Glamorgan               Nottingham

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Kent                 v   Yorkshire               Canterbury

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Sussex               v   Gloucestershire         Hove

8 *Day/Night
Norwich Union League Division One
      *Leicestershire       v   Worcestershire          Leicester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Lancashire           v   Somerset                Manchester

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Middlesex            v   Warwickshire            Lord's

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Hampshire            v   Derbyshire              Southampton
       Nottinghamshire      v   Glamorgan               Nottingham
       Surrey               v   Durham                  The Oval

PPP healthcare County Championship Division One
       Derbyshire           v   Somerset                Derby
       Hampshire            v   Yorkshire               Southampton
       Lancashire           v   Surrey                  Manchester
       Leicestershire       v   Kent                    Leicester

PPP healthcare County Championship Division Two
       Essex                v   Warwickshire            Chelmsford
       Glamorgan            v   Middlesex               Cardiff
       Gloucestershire      v   Nottinghamshire         Bristol
       Worcestershire       v   Northamptonshire        Worcester

Norwich Union League Division One
       Gloucestershire      v   Northamptonshire        Bristol
       Lancashire           v   Sussex                  Manchester
       Leicestershire       v   Somerset                Leicester
       Worcestershire       v   Kent                    Worcester

Norwich Union League Division Two
       Derbyshire           v   Durham                  Derby
       Essex                v   Warwickshire            Chelmsford
       Glamorgan            v   Middlesex               Cardiff
       Hampshire            v   Nottinghamshire         Southampton

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