Hong Kong Cricket Association



Match & Disciplinary Committee
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The Match & Disciplinary Committee has been established as an independent body, made up of cricket administrators, players, umpires and Club representatives, to rule on any incidents of indiscipline or unsportsmanlike behaviour, affecting matches played in the various Hong Kong domestic cricket competitions.

The members of the MDC are Clive Howard as Chairman, Bob Fotheringham, Peter Slack and Mark Eames. All are elected by the League & Cup Committee. The Committee's mandate is specified in the Articles of Association and MDC procedures, etc. are published in the HKCA Handbook.

The following links provide details on MDC rulings:


MDC Ruling - Pakistan Association v Yamano XI played 10th February 2002 [19.02.02]

The MDC met last night and agreed on the following action re. the captioned Sunday League game:

Pakistan Assn. are in contravention of HKCA Rules due to their excessively slow over rate in the second innings without good cause. The umpire called "time" (as pre-arranged with both teams) at which point Friends XI were short of the winning total. Pakistan Assn., therefore, won the game (by default).

After due consideration, the MDC rules that:

1. The result will stand;
2. Pakistan Assn. shall receive batting bonus points ONLY (i.e. no win points & no bowling bonus points); and
3. Friends XI shall receive batting and bowling bonus points.

Either or both Captains may appear before the MDC to make representations, should they so wish ('MDC Guidelines & Procedures' are detailed in the HKCA Handbook & Rules). The Captain is to notify the undersigned WITHIN SEVEN DAYS of this notice to arrange a MDC hearing, if required. Either party also has the right to written appeal to the HKCA Executive.


This is the second, recorded instance this season of teams bowling their overs too slowly during the second innings. It is noted that current rules are clear on slow over rates in the first innings but not so specific for the second innings. Therefore, rules will be reviewed with a view to preventing abuse of the over rate.

Clive Howard,
HKCA Match & Disciplinary Committee

MDC Ruling - Yamano XI v Infidels MDC Action [15.02.02]

The Executive Committee has discussed the appeal by Friends XI over the earlier decision by the MDC to reverse the result of the above game due to slow over rate in the second innings. The Exec. directed the MDC to review its decision due to concerns over its interpretation of the current HKCA rules as published in the Handbook.

After a review, the MDC has decided that the original result will stand, i.e. Friends won the game. The MDC further rules that Friends XI shall be awarded batting bonus points ONLY (i.e. no win points and no bowling points). Infidels shall receive batting and bowling bonus points only. This ruling is made under the following references:

HKCA Rules & Information Handbook 2001-2002
1. Page 7, Rule 10(c);
2. Page 17, Rule 4(h); and
3. Page 24 (HKCA MDC Charter & Procedures).

Either team is now given the opportunity to appear before the MDC, should they so wish, to state their case if they disagree or wish to be heard for any reason connected to this decision. Either captain should contact the undersigned WITHIN THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS to arrange a meeting with the MDC, if required.

Clive Howard,
Chairman, MDC.

MDC Ruling - Infidels v Yamano XI played 30th September 2001

The Match & Disciplinary Committee has considered complaints received regarding the above Sunday league match played at KCC during which Yamano XI were guilty of a slow over rate without good cause. The Committee rules that the final five overs of the Infidels innings were bowled over time and thus shall be discounted as null and void. At the 45-over mark Infidels had a superior run rate and are therefore declared as winners. Yamano XI shall earn bonus points in the usual manner.

Clive Howard
Chairman, MDC