Hong Kong Cricket Association



Hong Kong Cricket Sixes 2010 - Tickets
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Tickets are now available online at HK Ticketing and other Ticket Sales Outlets.

Ticket Price 票價:





Adult 成人票




Children 小童票




Hong Kong Cricket Sixes
Ticket Booking Form [PDF 73KB]


Time (Saturday & Sunday): Gates open at 8am
時間 (星期六及星期日)    : 上午八時開始入場

Ticket Purchase Hotline 購票熱線: 31 288 288  
Internet Booking 網上購票: www.hkticketing,com
The Sixes Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢: cwli@crick-kid.com

HK Ticketing’s box offices:

  • Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
  • The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
  • Fringe Club
  • Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre
  • AsiaWorld-Expo
  • The Academy’s Landmark Heritage Campus – Bethanie
  • Tom Lee Music stores (17 stores in total)

** HK Ticketing applies a customer service fee to all tickets purchased via its network. This fee is additional to the face value of the ticket and is payable upon purchase of tickets.

Other Ticket Sales Outlet:

  • Kowloon Cricket Club Tel: 3473 7000
  • Hong Kong Cricket Club Tel: 3511 8668
  • Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant Tel: 2810 6988
  • Hong Kong Cricket Association Tel: 2504 8103


  • 香港會議展覽中心
  • 香港演藝學院
  • 藝穗會
  • 國際展貿中心
  • 亞洲國際博覽館
  • 演藝學院古蹟校園-伯大尼的售票處
  • 遍佈全港的通利琴行 (17間分行)。

** 快達票將額外收取每張門票的顧客服務費


  • 九龍木球會 Tel: 3473 7000
  • 香港木球會 Tel: 3511 8668
  • Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant Tel: 2810 6988
  • 香港板球總會 Tel: 2504 8103
Hong Kong Cricket Sixes 2010 - Terms & Conditions
  • No Age Limited
  • Children’s tickets conditions
  • Proof of age may be required at entry to the event by those holding Children’s tickets.

No proof of age is required for purchasing the tickets.

  • Children must be aged 12 or under as at 6th Nov, 2010.
  • Admit One Only
  • Free Seating
  • Not for Resale
  • No Replacement for any loss of the tickets
  • Enquiry:
    • For ticket or event enquiry, please contact Laxton marketing at 2866 3110.
    • For general event enquiry please contact the Sixes office at 2504 8103.
  • China Cricket International Limited (The Organizer) reserves the right to refuse entry into Kowloon Cricket Club (The Venue).
  • No illegal substances, dangerous or offensive items are permitted in the venue.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to reschedule matches without prior notice.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to remove any person from the Venue who fails to comply with and instruction from an Event Official.
  • No food or beverages may be brought into the venue.


  • 一人一票適合任何年齡人士參加
  • 小童票條款
  • 持小童票之人士在入場時有機會被要求出示年齡證明文件以核實年齡。


  • 小童之定義為在二零一零年十一月六日仍為十二歲或十二歲以下之兒童。
  • 一人一票
  • 不設劃位
  • 不能轉售
  • 敬請小心保管閣下的門票
  • 門票如有遺失;將不獲任何補發。
  • 查詢
    • 如任何有關是次活動或票務之查詢,請聯絡 Laxton Marketing,電話 2866 3110。
    • 一般查詢,請聯絡六人板球賽主辦單位,電話 2504 8103。
  • China Cricket International Limited (大會) 保留不准持票者進入九龍木球會之權利 (場地)
  • 任何違法,危險,或具攻擊性之物品均不得攜進場地內。
  • 大會保留權利更改比賽場次,不需作任何事前通知。
  • 如不遵守活動工作人員之指示,大會保留權利要求持票者離場。
  • 任何食物及飲料均不得攜進場內。