'SB' urges Upali to continue

Daily News

Saturday 14, September 1996

S. B. Dissanayake, Minister of Youth Affairs, Sport and Rural Development in a letter to Upali Dharmadasa, Cricket Board President states:

I received your letter. I would first like to mention that I appreciate the humble measure you took by sending in your resignation letter after focusing your attention on the unfortunate incident that occurred at the Singer World Series awards ceremony and comprehending its seriousness.

But my personal opinion is that this incident was not deliberately perpetrated by you or any other member of the Cricket Board. I am not surprised that this type of instances are directed against me and the government by external elements.

I went to the Premadasa Stadium and invited President Chandrika Kumaratunga too, because the Cricket Board Vice President informed me several times that I would be the chief guest.

Nevertheless, I believe that you will remember this experience to ensure that the rights and responsibilities of the cricket board are not relegated to others.

I believe that these elements will not be allowed to unduly influence the Sri Lankan players who have earned worldwide reputation.

I am pleased to inform you that I have erased this incident from my memory. I will not accept your resignation for the sake of uplift of sports.

I urge you to continue your mission to improve cricket in Sri Lanka as President of the Cricket Board using all your capabilities. I assure you that my ministry will extend its cooperation to you at all times in this regard.

Source: The Daily News

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:39