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The R. S. Hartley and Company left no stone unturned, to meticulously demonstrate that they were second to none, when it came to acting the part of the perfect host.

This they proved beyond measure by their hospitable friendly ways, which was very much in evidence at the launch of 'Sunny' cricket sportwear and equipment, last Wednesday evening at the Liberty Ballroom of Holiday Inn, Colombo. If the intention of Hartley and Co., was to make the association between the legendary Sunil Gavaskar and them as memorable as possible, then they did indeed succeed, in a grand manner, befitting the occasion.

To mark this significant happening there was a wide spectrum of the cricketing fraternity from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, comprising cricketers, umpires, journalists, commentators (Radio/TV) and not forgetting the business entrepreneurs, well-wishers and friends. All of them were there in numbers, not so much to discuss cricket but to wish this enterprising venture all the very best.

And so amidst the array of delightful food and drink, with pleasing music provided by the band 'Cats Eye' and entertainment from Channa's dance troupe, those present exchanged pleasantries and indulged in high hearted banter, which kept everyone in the best of spirit. The subsiding cackle and babble of those present, gave way to the man of the moment and chairman of Sunny's Sports Boutique (Pvt) Ltd., India, Sunil Gavaskar, better known as the little master of the world over, to light the ceremonial oil lamp with other distinguished guests doing likewise.

Speaking on the occasion, the Director and Legal Consultant of Hartley and Company Rohitha Bogollagama said that they were honoured by the presence and support of such a representative gathering. He had a kind word for the media, which did much to publicise the event and, made it a point to mention that the former All-Ceylon Cricketer and presently an accredited TV commentator Ranjit Fernando was a tower of strength to the company, in that he was instrumental in seeing that this tie-up between the two companies because a reality.

He concluded by saying, that this enterprising venture had the good wishes and blessings of the president of the Board of Control for cricket Upali Dharmadasa and that the sole aim of the company was to make available quality sports goods.

Sunil Gavaskar said it was a privilege and honour to enter into a joint venture here and be associated with the country of the World Champions. With a touch of humour, he went on to add that partnership are made in heaven, but in this partnership there was a difference, in that the match maker was Ranjit Fernando, who through his persuasive ways has ''brought us together''. It was his hope that this partnership will blossom and flourish and Sri Lanka will be able to achieve its dream of becoming the best test playing nation by the year 2000. In appreciation of Ranjit Fernando's efforts, Gavaskar made a tangible expression by presenting him a bat from the sportswear and equipment on display.

All-in-all, the launch turned out to be an enjoyable evening for everyone present, and the efforts of the Managing Director, Mrs. Renuka Shanmuganathan, the Manager Sports Division S. Somaskanthan and the directorate of R. S. Hartley & Co. are to be commended.

Source: The Daily News

Contributed by CricInfo Management
Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 19:07