SL Board turn down request to discuss 'bribery scandal'


Wednesday 26, November 1997

The refusal of the Sri Lanka Cricket Board's Executive Committee to turn down the request made by two-thirds of its membership to discuss the crisis created by the 'WorldTel Affair' is indeed a shame.

These clubs and district cricket associations had requested for an extraordinary general meeting in terms of Article 20 of the constitution of the Sri Lanka Cricket Board which states: ``An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Board shall be convened by the Hony. Secretary on the decision of the Executive Committee or at the written request of fifteen (15) or more members within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt of such request, stating the subject to be discussed at the meeting''.


This is a serious issue and it is unfortunate that the Cricket Board did not deem it important enough to summon the membership in the first instance to discuss the relevant matter.

In the meantime, a lot of talking and interviews have taken place between top Cricket Board officials with certain sections of the print and electronic media, leaving the membership in the dark.

The Cricket Board president, a senior vice president, secretary and chief executive have all spoken - their views contradicting each other.

The issue is big enough that the rightful thing that should have been done, was to have tabled the relevant documents and explained the matter to the Cricket Board membership and sought their views and consensus.

After all, these officials have been elected by the Cricket Board membership to protect their interests. COVER

It now appears that the ExCo is taking cover not to discuss this issue with the membership of the Cricket Board under the pretext of a complaint made by the Sports Minister to the Bribery Commission.

``A unanimous decision was taken by the ExCo at an emergency meeting on October 24 that the Cricket Board would not discuss this matter until the findings of the Bribery Commission was concluded. At the ExCo meeting of November 22 when the request was made by 43 or so clubs for an extraordinary general meeting, we decided to stand by our earlier decision,'' said Cricket Board president Upali Dharmadasa.


But the most amusing part is, this is still not a court matter for the Cricket Board not to discuss it with its membership. If the Cricket Board thinks the matter is so important that it cannot discuss it with its membership, how is it that some of its high ranking officials have at different times aired their views in this issue in the media. Is this a case of what is sauce for the goose, is not sauce for the gander.

The Cricket Board membership has every right to know the details of the transaction which has taken place, leading to this fiasco. It is indeed a disgrace that while the Sri Lanka team is bringing pride to the country with their performances, the Cricket Board is acting in a shameful manner.


To-date, not one single document has been released to the membership aprising them of the matter.

It is pathetic that the membership is a forgotten lot in matters of this nature. They are the most sought after lot, closer to the date of the Cricket Board annual general meeting, and forgotten thereafter.

Source: The Daily News

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 19:07