Cricinfo on Internet locally via Ceycom

Daily News

Thursday 02, October 1997

'Cricinfo', the worldwide cricket web site on the Internet has appointed Ceycom Global Communication Ltd, the Ceylinco Group satellite communications company as its local host and agent in Sri Lanka.

With this appointment, live, ball by ball coverage of cricket matches on the web site commenced with the Pepsi Asia Cup '97.

The Cricinfo web site now provides coverage for cricket matches played around the world and is the official host of web sites of the International Cricket Council (ICC), South Africa Cricket Board and Zimbabwe Cricket Board.

According to Dr. Badri Seshari, Director of Cricinfo, it is the third most accessed sports web site on the Internet, and has been rated as one of the 50 most popular web sites in the world. ''It is considered the home of cricket on the Internet,'' he added.

Ceycom hopes to establish an official web site for the Sri Lanka Cricket Board (SLCB) and connect it to the Cricinfo web site. ''Matches played in Sri Lanka did not get coverage on the web site as there was no local representative,'' explained Romesh de Silva, Sales Manager of Ceycom. ''We will be providing cricket lovers on the Internet with an exciting new venue by partnering with Cricinfo.'' He also added that summaries of all cricket matches played by Sri Lanka since 1974 are available on this site at

Established in 1991, Cricinfo is a volunteer organisation of cricket lovers which ties-up with local companies in countries hosting cricket matches to provide live coverage of the matches on the Internet. ''On average over a million people worldwide, log into the web site to follow a match,'' de Silva said.

Ceycom Global Communication commenced operations in October 1996. In a joint venture agreement with Hughes - a subsidiary of General Motors of USA, the company set up the first Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) network in Sri Lanka for international services. The product portfolio of Ceycom includes e-mail, e-fax and Internet services, data transmission services, international and local point to point data links using VSAT technology, video conference services, distance education, tele-medicine facilities and disaster recovery centre facilities.

Source: The Daily News

Contributed by CricInfo Management
Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:54