SSC vs NCC for J.R. Trophy

By Richard Dwight

Friday 24, October 1997

What must be a happy augury, going down well with many a cricket lover, will be when the strong Sinhalese Sports Clubs' Cricket team, takes on their equally strong traditional rivals the Nondescript Cricket Club, in an inaugural limited over game in quest for the impressive J.R. Jayewardene Memorial Challenge trophy this Sunday 26 at the NCC grounds.

Being immediate neighbours, both these leading frontline clubs steeped in history, have displayed cordial relations these several years and have in the wake, contributed much towards the furtherance and enhancement of cricket in the island - The blossoming out of talented cricketers from their fold and the additional pride, that the captain and vice captain of our Test side, hail from their clubs, bears adequate testimony to this fact. Memory prods us that in those good old years when cricket was not quite into being commercial or professional and sans perks and facilities - There was despite this, a wide and large array of spectators converging on the venues to witness weekend tournament cricket mataches, with the prestigious battle between the NCC and SSC (a local version of the battle of the roses) always proving to be a major attraction. Apart from the well to do, the middle class there were as well the lesser known filling out on the terraces, not forgetting the long line of cars parked on the road adjoining the grounds. By far that which was most interesting to observe was the knowledgeable discussions and comments made by the ordinary folk. Some of them attired in sarong and coat, with umbrellas either tucked under their arimpits or opened out fully, were out there in numbers to support their heroes of whom, they knew much more than we did. Amidst all this was the characteristic sounds of weekend gaiety of fun and laughter, from those relaxing in the hospitable confines of the pavilion. Which was a source of inspiration and encouragement to the players, lifting as well the profile of the game. But alas, all this are things of the past, go to any cricket grounds, on any weekend and you will experience it for sure.

Viewed therefore in all its entirety, and for the reason that both these senior old clubs seldom confront each other due to the local tournament so structured and being what it is, the two clubs have decided to hold this annual fixture independently on alternate venues with the corresponding club acting as hosts.

Addressing the media at a briefing held at the NCC last Tuesday the president of the NCC, Chanaka de Silva and the Chairman of the Cricket House Committee SSC, Prabhoda Kariyawasam said that the fixture will symbolise all the good they have stood for, and that the ensuing fellowship will further strengthen the ties that have bound them hitherto. It will be played for a trophy presented by the SSC in memory of the former president of the country J.R. Jayewardene who in his day was a fine sportsman, having represented Royal, been the President of SSC and later to become the president of the CCA and the Cricket Board. There will in addition be a trophy and Rs. 10,000 presented by Gamini Jayasuriya in honour of his father Charles Jayasuriya, for the man of the match.

There is bound to be interesting cricket fare considering that Test stars Aravinda de Silva, Hashan Tillakeratne, Ravindra Pushpakumara, Russell Arnold and Sajeeva Silva are from NCC, while SSC boasts of Arjuna Ranatunga, Marvan Atapattu, Mahela Jayawardena, Nuwan Soysa, Promodaya Wickremasinghe and Jayantha Silva.

The chief guest will be the Minister for Youth Affairs, Sports and Rural Development S.B. Dissanayake.

Source: The Daily News

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 19:13