Royal, STC get over 9 lakhs each, keen on joint tour abroad

By Richard Dwight

Wednesday 08, October 1997

In a simple though meaningful ceremony held last Thursday at the board room of S. Thomas' College, Wing Commander Noel Fernando, the chairman of the joint committee of this year's Royal - Thomian cricket match and the limited over one day game, handed over in the presence of the members of the committee, the profits so generated, shared in equal proportions to the heads of both schools.

The principal of Royal College Mr. S. H. Kumarasinghe and the Warden of S. Thomas' Mr. Neville de Alwis were, the recipients on behalf of their respective schools, of a sum amounting to Rs. 915,000 each.

Noel Fernando, speaking on the occasion said that despite the unexpected constraints experienced, he was happy that with the unstinted support of the entire committee, the assistance from sponsors Seylan Bank and Lanka Bell and, all other factors that go to make these two big matches, to make available the said sums of money to the two colleges.

He had a special word of thanks, for the hard work put in by the secretary, Air Commodore Ajit Jayasekera and the meticulous way in which the accounts were finalised in such a short period of time, by the treasurer Sunil Peiris.

The Principal of Royal and the Warden of S. Thomas' addressing those present were appreciative of the way in which the committee was steered by Mr. Fernando, that had much finesse of a high order and, was pleased that the related accounts were finalised, comparatively early.

On the question of unruly behaviour at Big Matches, they were of the view that the population is on the increase and the occasion itself, has become a major one in the Sri Lanka Calendar of events, where much socialising by a convergence of varied people takes place.

They felt that the matter was beyond their control and those who are quick to criticise, would do well to suggest solutions to the problem. Both school heads, were keen on a joint tour, comprising the cricketers from the two schools making a trip abroad.

Source: The Daily News

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:50