Southern Province u-19 cricket tourney attracts large crowds

Daily News

Sunday 05, October 1997

THE Southern Province (SP) inter-school under-19 limited-over cricket tournament organised by St. Servatius' College Old Boys Association and sponsored by Union Bank started on September 28 at Uyanwatte Stadium, Matara and is going on smoothly attracting a large number of spectators.

The Managing Director of Union Bank, Shan Shanmuganathan was the chief guest at the inauguration ceremony and world record beaters Roshan Mahanama and Sanath Jayasuriya - an old Servatian were guests of honour.

Two distinguished Old Servatians Dallas Alahapperuma and Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena - two MPs for the Matara district in Parliament were also present.

Rahula St. Servatius and St. Thomas' from Matara, Sri Devananda and Dharmasoka from Ambalangoda, Mahinda, Meepawala Amarasooriya and St. Aloysius from Galle have qualified for the second-round. There were 12 teams in the first round.

The semi-finals will be on October 7 and 8 and the final will be on October 12.

The champion team will receive Rs. 10,000 and a trophy while the runners-up will get Rs. 7,500 and a trophy. The man-of-the-tournament will receive Rs. 7,500 worth package consisting of a bat, a pair of gloves and a cricket trouser and the man-of-the-final will receive a bat worth Rs. 6.000 from R. S. Hartley and Company (Pvt) Limited.

There will be a display of cricket gear, T-shirts and a cap with Sanath Jayasuriya'a autograph by R. S. Hartley and Company (Pvt) Limited at the Uyanwatte Stadium and these will be available for sale at a subsidised rate on October 12.

The awards ceremony will be held on October 12. The Old Boys Association of St. Servatius' College have also made arrangements to start the Southern Province inter-school football tournament on October 12 with the Minister of Posts, Telecommunication and Media, Mangala Samaraweera and Minister of Samurdhi, Youth Affairs and Sports, S. B. Dissanayake as chief guests.

Source: The Daily News

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:49