In defence of a national hero

Richard De Souza

Tuesday, October 28, 1997

THE following ``matters of concern'' were raised at the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board of Control's annual general meeting last Saturday and ``informed'' a subsequent Resolution on the issue.

a) Brian (Lara) arrived a day later than the day for the West Indies team to assemble in Antigua prior to a Test match. He was fined and it was agreed by the team management that it was an internal matter and not for publication.

The information was leaked to the media resulting in the intervention of the West Indies president and a letter of apology by him to Brian.

b) It is public knowledge that the selectors recommended Brian for the post of Captain to Pakistan and Sharjah. The recommendation was not discussed by the board but a decision arrived at by 'round robin'. We are advised that the selectors' recommendation was rejected and Courtney Walsh appointed.

Our position was that we have always supported the recommendation of the selectors.

Our views were never sought on the nomination of Walsh. We are not aware from what source the nomination came and how a decision was taken. Brian expressed his disappointment over not being appointed captain and pledged his support for the team and captain. Cana (Caribbean News Agency) carried a distorted report. Has the local media highlighted Brian's actual comment? Brian is subjected to ridicule and abuse in Jamaica. Under psychological pressure he stays in his hotel room away from the public's eye.

c) We had an impertinent letter from the Jamaica Cricket Association via the chief executive officer of the West Indies Cricket Board questioning the arrival of three members of our team for the Red Stripe Bowl a day after the main party.

The players applied for and were given permission by the president of the TTCBC as he considered the request reasonable.

The TTCBC had no knowledge of a press conference on the morning after arrival at which the entire party was expected to be present. The team manager did advise the Jamaican officials of the delayed arrivals as soon as he arrived in Jamaica.

Subsequent communication revealed that the Jamaica Association was incensed as Brian was among the three late arrivals.

d) Our team manager was advised to book tickets to T&T for Brian, Phil (Simmons) and David (Williams) after the quarterfinals of the Bowl but to delay the departure of Ian (Bishop) and Mervyn (Dillon) for one day to do an advertisement. The headline from Jamaica, in what is called ``an Exclusive in the Trinidad Guardian'', reads ``Lara Blanks Cable & Wireless''. False, wicked, malicious is the only way we can describe the exclusive dottishness. The media does not apologise. The WICB and Cable & Wireless stated that the publication was false.

e) A release purported to be made by WICB CEO Stephen Camacho stated that the Board has decided not to appoint a vice-captain for Pakistan/Sharjah and to leave the appointment to the tour committee. If such a decision was made, the TTCBC representatives were not consulted. A release in the Independent newspaper goes further and suggests that the tour committee has been instructed on the vice-captain issue.

f) A newspaper attempts to create a rift between Brian and (English county) Warwickshire. Brian and a Warwickshire executive have had to make statements in England to the effect that the reports had no foundation.

They were rumours.

Examining the evidence, we have come to the irresistible conclusion that there is a calculated plot to tarnish the image and international reputation using Brian's past indiscretions as the basis for sowing the seeds of destruction.

The Trinidad & Tobago Cricket Board stands in defence of its captain, its national hero and its world class performer.

On the subject of the manner in which Trinidad & Tobago's representatives on the WICB have been ignored on important policy issues as stated above, we respond by stating that we are committed to the stability and development of West Indies cricket as the records of the WICB will testify. We shall continue to be frank in our discussions and transparent in our dealings at the risk of being charged for insularity.

Source: The Express (Trinidad)

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 19:19