I read an article relating to the managership of CHIC Combined Schools North in the Sunday Sun of August 30 in which it is stated: `` He (Jeff Broomes) said yesterday that Marshall had asked him to step aside from the manager's role after yesterday's first day of the match between Schools North and BNB St. Catherine at Bayfield.''
I wish to state categorically that I have had no discussion on any subject and certainly not relating to Schools North with Mr. Jeff Broomes.
Secondly, all members of the BCA know, and most certainly, members of the Board of Management, that the life of the 1997-98 Board comes to an end on Aug.31, 1998 and thereafter the Board elected at the Annual General Meeting held on July 22, 1998 at Sherbourne Centre takes office for the year 1998-99.
One of the first items of business of the new Board is the selection and appointment of chairpersons, members of committees and all the other positions such as manager Combined Schools North or South for that matter.
The 1998-99 Board, whose term of office begins September 1, 1998, is yet to have its first meeting and as usual following the meeting at which appointments are agreed, the appropriate release will be made to the media.