The Electronic Telegraph carries daily news and opinion from the UK and around the world.

Lord's remains a Jurassic park

By Robert Philip

29 August 1998

THE membership of the MCC - average age 57, average mentality stuck somewhere around 57 BC - is to vote again on the issue of whether to admit women into their men-only ranks.

On Feb 26, 56 per cent of the 17,500 members voted to accept their cricket-loving sisters into the Long Room, a few 'ayes' short of the necessary two-thirds majority and the committee deserves praise for trying to overturn 211 years of antiquated tradition a second time in 209 days.

And all the signs suggest the revolutionaries will achieve the necessary swing come Sept 28. Sir Paul Getty, who cast a 'no' vote six months ago, spoke for many when he said: ``I had not fully appreciated how this issue impacts on the MCC's public role. I have now changed my mind.''

But a (relatively) youthful acquaintance is less hopeful of the outcome. ``A lot of the old duffers like to see women at Lord's. They like to see them serving behind the bar and working as waitresses.''

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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Date-stamped : 07 Oct1998 - 04:24