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Scottish Cricket: Clydesdale D-Day

By Keith Graham

1 August 1998

An intense scramble is developing for top divisional status the Scottish League next season with five places up for grabs.

Clydesdale with Ian Stanger and Greig Williamson back from international duty, must win at Stirling or face second division cricket at Titwood next season.

Stoneywood Dyce, the season's surprise packets, have forced themselves into third place in Conference B. Their challenge for first division status will be tested at West of Scotland but, with Andy Bee in such good form, the Aberdeen side cannot be discounted.

RHSM, just behind them, have Poloc as visitors and the outcome may depend upon the respective performances of Zahoor Elahi and Mohammed Ramzan.

Following the cancellation of yesterday's game between Scotland and Australia A at Forfar because of a waterlogged ground, the tourists meet Scottish Select at Mannofield tomorrow.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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Date-stamped : 07 Oct1998 - 04:22