The Electronic Telegraph
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Graveney leads welcome party

By Peter Deeley
4 December 1998

IT WAS difficult last night to find a dissenting voice in English cricket to the restructured championship.

Chairman of selectors David Graveney believed the change would be wholeheartedly welcomed by the Test team in Australia. ``The game needs to be spiced up and I'm sure this will do it.

``County cricket can't go on as it has been doing. The drift of spectators and sponsors away from the game had to be addressed,'' he said.

David Collier, chief executive of county champions Leicestershire, said: ``The game needed that extra competitive edge and the two divisions will do just that.

``I am sure that the fears of some counties that they would suffer by being in the lower league have been assuaged by the financial and constitutional guarantees given them.''

Surrey chief executive Paul Sheldon called it ``a fantastically positive step forward''. Yorkshire captain David Byas looked forward to a more competitive environment ``with every player determined to get into the top division. Yorkshire simply has to be part of that top league.''

Chris Hassell, Yorkshire's chief executive, said the change would not ``bring in thousands more spectators but it will be a more vital game and players will need to be fully motivated''.

Vinnie Codrington, secretary of Middlesex, said his county did not fear the challenge. ``We had a bad year last season but that is no reason why we shouldn't vote for greater competition.

``The new system won't be a case of the rich getting richer, as we have seen in football and to a certain extent rugby.''

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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