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New Zealand: Volunteers win kudos

The Christchurch Press
5 December 1998

Three outstanding Canterbury sports volunteers have been honoured by Sports Canterbury at a luncheon.

Ian Bell (ice hockey), Val Megget (badminton), and Holder Frey (cricket) have all given exceptional volunteer service to their sports.

Bell organised the inaugural Canterbury minors' summer school last year and coached five different teams. He has also run courses for coaches, and organised the tour by the Canadian Moose team to New Zealand this year.

Megget has been secretary of Badminton Canterbury for 10 years. In addition to normal secretarial duties she compiles the association handbook and annual report, and the draw. She is involved in organising local and South Island events and still finds time to play at Masters level.

Frey has never played cricket, but has been heavily involved as co-ordinator of girls' cricket throughout the Canterbury Country region. He coaches, manages, and selects the under-14 and under-17 teams, and co-ordinates junior cricket at the Lincoln club. He is also secretary of the premier section of the Halswell soccer club. There were more than 80 nominees from 25 sports.

Source: The Christchurch Press
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