Taylor and Stewart agree end to overtime Tests
30 December 1998
MELBOURNE, Australia, Dec 30 (AFP) - Opposing captains Mark
Taylor and Alec Stewart say they don't want a repeat of Tuesday's
marathon final day of the fourth Ashes Test here.
The two skippers called Wednesday on the International Cricket
Council to review the rules after the fourth day spilled over
eight hours at Melbourne Cricket Ground, including a near
four-hour unbroken final session.
Monday's third day also stretched from 10.30 a.m. until 7.21 p.m.
to make up time lost to rain and England's slow over-rate.
The situation was exacerbated late Tuesday when Australia chose
to play an extra half hour, believing a result was imminent.
However, Stewart wanted to take England from the field saying the
extra 30 minutes would have resulted in a four hour final session
for his bowlers which he claimed was unfair.
``Imagine if it had been in Adelaide on that 42 (Celsius) degree
day we had over there, that wouldn't be too clever,'' he said
Wednesday. ``Commonsense should come into it.''
In the end the decision by Australia to continue backfired as
England roared to victory, claiming the last three wickets to
pull off an exhilarating 12-run result.
``Obviously, we accepted it and I don't blame Steve Waugh for
staying on but I'm sure it will be looked at by the ICC, things
like when the breaks are and how the long sessions should be,''
Stewart said.
Taylor agreed saying: ``Something needs to be looked at there.''
``There are some long days out there,'' he said. ``I know the object
of the rules is to get as much cricket played as possible but I
think you've got to draw the line somewhere otherwise you'll end
up starting at nine o'clock in the morning and finishing at nine
o'clock at night which is too long to play.''
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