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No Prize Money On Offer By BCA


May 15 1998

THERE WILL be no prize money for the 1998 Barbados Cricket Association's (BCA) domestic competitions.

And effectively, the problem-plagued BCA has conceded there will be no sponsorship for the forthcoming Division 1 championship in spite of earlier assurances.

The stunning disclosure was made at a meeting between the BCA's top brass and clubs at Kensington Oval on Wednesday.

It is the first time in more than 20 years that not a single cent will be awarded in either the Division 1, Intermediate or Division 2 competitions.

For the last couple of seasons, the BCA offered $84 600 at its annual Instant Money Game awards ceremony. Clubs pocketed $79 700 and individual awards totalled $4 900.

Prize money won in the 1997 season is yet to be presented and no date has been set for a presentation ceremony. In previous years, such presentations were made just prior to the start of the season.

The 1998 season opens on May 23 and up until last night, the BCA was still in negotiations with potential sponsors, but insiders said it was highly unlikely sponsorship would be secured.

It's no secret the BCA has been going through some financial difficulties of late and a source told WEEKENDSPORT yesterday that a $5.5 million loan guaranteed from Government last year had not yet ``come through''.

It meant that the BCA, whose expenditure exceeded its revenue by $370 637 for the financial year ended March 31, 1997, had to use its limited resources to pay contractors who worked on the extensions to Kensington Oval earlier this year.

There were varying reactions to the news that there would be no prize money.

Police captain Leslie Reifer had no problem with teams competing for no monetary reward. His concern was the timing of the announcement.

``If they knew there was going to be no sponsorship, they should have informed us a month ago,'' the experienced Reifer said.

``I don't think the fellas were annoyed, but the timing was bad.''

Former YMPC Division 1 manager John Bailey was so disappointed that he called for the resignation of the entire BCA board of management.

``They are not doing their work properly. If the clubs cannot get anything out of it, they should not continue,'' he told WEEKENDSPORT.

``I am very disappointed. There are a few clubs who are financially stable, but a lot of the smaller clubs depend heavily on prize money. They are going to struggle.''

Bailey, who is likely to join Banks soon, said most clubs depended on prize money to cope with their expenses.

Wanderers captain Michael Edwards said it was a shame that the BCA, which has a marketing committee in place, could not find sponsorship. He believed, though, that the board of management was working hard.

More than once, chairman of marketing Calvin Hope said sponsorship for the Division 1 championship, which was without a backer for the last two seasons, would be forthcoming.

Source: The Barbados Nation
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Date-stamped : 07 Oct1998 - 04:17