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New Zealand: Reid unaware of any problems with pitch

The Christchurch Press
14 November 1998

New Zealand Cricket received no indication there were any problems with the Aorangi Park pitch in Timaru, where a first-class match was abandoned.

NZC operations manager John Reid said he did not hear from the South Canterbury association, which staged the match, that there were concerns about the wicket for the Northern-Pakistan A Conference cricket game, which was called off after just two days on Thursday.

``If there had been a problem with pitch preparation, I would have probably expected a call.''

However, Reid said he did not want to prejudge the issue until a meeting between South Canterbury cricket officials, Canterbury Cricket's chief executive, Tony Murdoch, and himself next week. Reid, who was worried about the wicket after watching play on the first day when the bounce was uneven and the ball was spinning, said local officials had suggested it would settle down.

Reid said he was aware there had been some rain in the region in previous weeks, forcing a Cricket Max friendly match between Canterbury and Otago to be abandoned.

Reid said that South Canterbury had been awarded the game on the basis it had prepared good pitches in the past; the Zimbabwe-Canterbury game was staged successfully there last February.

NZC runs Conference Cricket and Reid said the venues were decided in consultation with the major associations.

Reid said he did not visit the ground to check preparation leading up to the game, but may have to review this in future. Points from the match have yet to be allocated, but it is expected both teams will take one point apiece from the abandoned fixture.

Source: The Christchurch Press
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