Sri Lanka: Observer-Bata cricket awards today

The Daily News
21 November 1998

The annual Observer-Bata Schoolboy Cricketer of the year 1998 awards ceremony will be held this evening at the BMICH starting at 6.30 p.m.

The chief guests will be the Managing Director of Bata Shoe Company, Rolf Senoner and his wife Christina.

The climax of tonight's show will be the presentation of the top award to Pradeep Hewage of St.Benedict's College, Kotahena - the Observer-Bata Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year.

Over 30 other awards will be presented to school cricketers and teams who performed with distinction during the last season.

Among the distinguish guest list will be several Sri Lanka cricketers and some of them will present awards to the winners.

Sohan and the X'Periments, Steve de Silva and Corinne will add colour to the glittering awards ceremony which will be followed by a musical show. Veteran sports broadcaster and popular show compere, Laddie Hettiaratchy will be the master of ceremonies.

Source: The Daily News