Young cricketers should try and emulate seniors - Bata's MD Senoner

By A C de Silva and Leslie Fernando
22 November 1998

BATA'S brand new Managing Director Rolf Senoner called on the young cricketers to train hard and try and get into the national team in the near future. Present at the Observer-Bata Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year Awards Ceremony for the first time last evening at the BMICH, Mr. Senoner called on the young cricketers to emulate the feats of the Sri Lanka cricket team that won the World Cup in 1996.

Though the chips were a bit down after the recent setbacks in Bangladesh and Sharjah, it was nice to see skipper Arjuna Ranatunga, vice-captain Aravinda de Silva, Roshan Mahanama and Kumara Dharmasena making their first important public appearance after the twin tours at the show and give away awards too. The presence of the Sri Lanka cricketers would no doubt have cast a good impression on the young schoolboys.

Bata's boss too was appreciative of the presence of the Sri Lanka cricketers and he wished them all success in the important fixtures that are to follow.

Three of the cricketers - Arjuna Ranatunga, Roshan Mahanama and Kumara Dharmasena have won the Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year title twice, while Aravinda de Silva too has won awards at the show.

Mr. Aloy Ratnayake - Chairman of Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited, thanked Bata Shoe Company for sponsoring the show for 21 years and reminded the young cricketers that playing cricket teaches many things that would hold good in later life.

There were rounds and rounds of applause for cricketers receiving awards but there were special cheers for the Sri Sumangala Maha Vidyalaya, Wariyapola who were picked as the Best Up and Coming team.

The school that started playing the game seriously in 1992, has many youngsters interested, but one drawback is the lack of funds for playing cricket.

As the cricketers come from very humble homes, the cricketers have even to borrow equipment from visiting teams for use during a match.

The cricketers have to practise on a gravel surface ground, where there are only patches of grass.

A fund has now been started by Principal D. A. C. Jayakody to get money for sports and though there are many drawbacks, the school is determined to do well in the future.

The enthusiasm of the Sri Sumangala Wariyapola cricketers is high as they can derive much satisfaction from the fact that their skipper Palitha Kumara has been selected to the under 19 cricket pool from which teams to play against Kent under 19 next month would be selected.

Besides the awards, there was top drawer entertained too dished out by X-Periments with Sohan Weerasinghe leading the way. They brought a refreshing innovation at the show with one of the girls taking the mock-role of a batsman and hitting sixes much to the delight of the large gathering present.

There was also that compere par excellence Laddie Hettiaratchy giving the show the much needed drive with his background information and witty comments.

Source: The Daily News