
Hindu leader now says Pakistani cricketers are welcome

23 November 1998

NEW DELHI, Nov 23 (AFP) - A firebrand Hindu leader who had vowed to stop Pakistani cricketers from playing in India has reversed his stand after being snubbed by the Indian prime minister, reports said Monday.

Bal Thackeray, whose Hindu Shiv Sena party rules Bombay, welcomed Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee's recent pledge to guarantee the safety of any Pakistani team which toured India.

Vajpayee's promise was widely seen as a snub to Thackeray, whose party has frequently threatened to prevent Pakistani cricket teams from playing in India, to protest at Islamabad's alleged support for Moslem militant groups in India.

``After this announcement by the prime minister, I feel Pakistanis will at least now improve their behaviour towards India,'' newspapers quoted Thackeray as saying.

The Shiv Sena is an ally of Vajpayee's Bharatiya Janata Patty (Indian People's Party) and a member of India's coalition government which took office eight months ago.

The Pakistani cricketers are to tour India in January for three Tests and three limited over games. It would be the team's first visit to India in 11 years.

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