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Fees Not The Issue, Says WI Players' Association

The Barbados Nation
6 November 1998

``Unwarranted''and ``unjust'' is how the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) described the action by the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) to sack Brian Lara and Carl Hooper from the leadership of the regional team.

The association said, however, that it was willing to meet with the president and other representatives of the WICB in London as ``a matter of urgency'' to resolve the crisis facing the tour of South Africa.

The WICB on Wednesday dismissed Lara and Hooper, the captain and vice-captain, for leading a revolt over pay and other conditions for the tour which is scheduled to begin Tuesday.

In a statement released yesterday afternoon the association said that the issue was not about fees.

``It is about recognition of the rights of the players by the WICB, the recognition by the WICB of the WIPA as the bargaining agent of the players and terms and conditions of employment of the players,'' the statement read.

The association insisted that it had not been lax in responding to the board's tour proposals.

In its Press release Wednesday, the WICB had said that on September 24 the board received a proposal from the WIPA which was a response to correspondence sent over 40 days before by its chief finance officer on the tour contracts.

WIPA countered that between August 10 and September 24, there had been meetings and correspondence with the WICB.

The WIPA said Wednesday's meeting in Antigua appeared to be a disciplinary hearing and Lara and Hooper had been summoned to answer charges.

The association said the WICB was not prepared to accept that Lara and Hooper had gone to London, instead of South Africa as directed by the board, as WIPA representatives to discuss the players' grievances with other members of the team.

It said Lara and Hooper went to talk with the players in London since they had already spoken with those in Bangladesh who flew to Johannesburg.

WIPA secretary Roland Holder revealed that WIPA secretary treasurer and captain of the West Indies ``A'' team Ian Bishop was being kept abreast of the facts.

``He was in London on Monday and he would've spoken to Courtney and the guys on Tuesday,'' he said.

Reaffirming the players' commitment to West Indies cricket, the association said it was ready and willing to go ahead with the tour and continue negotiations.

Source: The Barbados Nation
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