Lancashire League: Capel not available

The Lancashire Evening Telegraph
8 October 1998

Haslingden's hopes of landing David Capel as professional for next season were scuppered when the ex-England international accepted a new role at Northants.

Capel, who had a spell as deputy professional at Bent Gate towards the end of last season, has been apointed as Northampton's first ever Director of Excellence.

The all-rounder has agreed a three year contract and will be responsible for developing young cricketers at the county.

He will also combine his role with captaining the County Colts side in the Northants Championship.

Mark Griffin, who stepped down as Haslingden skipper at the end of the season, said: ``We were definitely interested in signing him for next year after he did very well for us at the end of last season.

``We had talks but he said he had offers from two other counties to consider for next year.

``This new role might leave him free to play at weekends but we are really looking for someone who can help with the coaching of the youngsters during the week.

``That's something we haven't had in recent years.''

Source: The Lancashire Evening Telegraph