The Barbados Nation
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Across The Board: In The Care Of The Players

By The West Indies Players Association
4 October 1998

The recent withdrawal of Barbadian cricketer, Mark Lavine from his national team for the Red Stripe Bowl to fulfil a contract in South Africa illustrates the need for the West Indies Players' Association (WIPA) to play a future role in the management of the careers of players at the first-class level as well.

The WIPA as a formal organisation is 10 years old but long before that there was an informal grouping of players which had its catalyst in Kerry Packer's World Series Cricket.

But now with a subvention of US$150 000 over three years from the West Indies Cricket Board, full-time staff and an office provided by the Barbados Government, the organisation is poised to play a broader role in the careers of cricketers throughout the region.

The Management committee includes: president, Courtney Walsh; vice-president Brian Lara; secretary Roland Holder, and CEO David Holford, intends to work with WICB to help players meet the challenges of professional cricket and ensure a bright future for themselves and the game.

We will be looking at getting overseas contracts for players through contacts with the professional leagues.

The onus will be on the players to let us know what they are doing so that we can keep our database up to date.

We will also advise on how those contracts should be structured and managed. In cases such as Lavine's, we could advise and counsel players to ensure that they make the best choices in the interest of their careers and West Indies cricket.

The WIPA would like to find ways to ensure that all players are able to represent their country and still fulfil lucrative professional contracts.

We believe that earning a living has to be balanced with representing one's country. However, these arrangements need to be clearly specified in the contract.

The players in the past needed representation in terms of fee negotiation with the WICB.

The association cares about players as people and will help guide them along the right path so that they can be worthy role models and project the game positively.

WIPA intends to help the players in all aspects of their careers including financial management and personal self-development through seminars and other educational programmes.

One of our main goals is also to help past players who for some reason find themselves in difficulty. For example, we have made donations to medical funds for Winston Davis and Roy Fredericks.

In the past WIPA, has been seen as an organisation open only to Test players but under its new mandate, all players who have played for the respective islands in first class cricket can join the association.

Persons must apply to become members of WIPA but efforts are under way to make this process as easy as possible throughout the region.

Communicating with the players around the region is understandably problematic and we have engaged a public relations firm. We have also asked the various boards to assist.

With the physical structure in place WIPA has now broadened its mandate to get involved in cricket, not just in the West Indies, but anywhere West Indies players are involved.

WIPA is now a member of the Federation of International Cricketers' Associations (FICA), a worldwide body launched this year and including associations from England, Australia and South Africa. Courtney Walsh has accepted the post of vice-president.

In spite of the initial subvention from the WICB, the organisation must become self-sufficient, and this can not be achieved only through players' contributions. In fact, we are raising funds and we would like the public to support our ventures.

Events such as benefit matches could possibly become sources of income in the future. However, in the past these have not been very successful financially so we will have to find novel ways of putting them on so that they are attractive to the public.

WIPA has also had a cordial relationship with the WICB with whom we have had useful meetings on a regular basis. We also look forward to representing the players' perspective even more effectively at Board level when WIPA becomes a WICB Special member under the proposed new constitution.

What we have here now is a start. In this phase we are a big ``think tank'' looking at various ideas for the future.

Across The Board is the column of the West Indies Cricket Board.

Questions and comments addressed to Across The Board can be sent by mail to:

The West Indies Cricket Board,
St. John's Wood, Antigua.

Fax: (268) 460-5452

Source: The Barbados Nation
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