The Barbados Nation
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Fund Started For Ailing Cricketer

The Barbados Nation
29 September 1998

THE Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) has started a fund for ailing former Guyana and West Indies opening batsman Roy Fredericks.

In a release yesterday, the BCA said it had learnt from the Guyana Cricket Board of the illness of Fredericks, who is due to undergo surgery in the United States this week.

In announcing that a savings account has been opened at the Broad Street branch of Barclays Bank, the BCA urged local cricketers and the cricketing public to contribute.

The account number is 16-4745880 – The Roy Fredericks Fund account – and contributions can be made at any branch of Barclays Bank.

``The Barbados Cricket Association is happy to assist this outstanding ex-Test player, who in his heyday brought much joy to the people of the Caribbean,'' the release said.

Source: The Barbados Nation
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