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Dawn Senate body for promotion of women's cricket
Dawn (Karachi) - 27 August 1999

Islamabad, Aug 26: The Senate Sub-Committee on Sports has called for promotion of women cricket in the country alongside men and for this purpose affiliation of one cricket association with Pakistan Cricket Board was suggested without further delay.

The meeting, chaired by senator Syed Iqbal Haider in the Parliament House, also explored the possibilities of holding elections of women cricket association before gettingthe affiliation of the elected association with PCB.

It may be added here that presently there are three separate women cricket associations which claim to be the genuine leaders of women cricket in the country. Two of these bodies are based in Lahore while one is in Karachi which also has the international recognition.

The committee gave the three representative groups one month to complete their negotiations otherwise, committee will be empowered to take its own decision.

The senate sub-committee has asked the representatives of the various groups to submit their credentials like; constitution, election/office bearers, teams, practice/camps, grounds/nets being used, sponsors if any, and evidence of affiliation/registration with Pakistan Sports Board or any other body alongwith details of national/international tournaments so far played.

During the meeting, the committee welcomed the gesture of one of the group for unconditional merger with other group of Pakistan Women Cricket Association. The committee also advised the Karachi-based women association to look into the possibility of merger so that one national women association can be formed which is also affiliated with International Women Cricket Council.

PWCCA: Miss Shaiza Khan and Miss Sharmeen Khan, President and CoPresident respectively of Pakistan Women's Cricket Control Association (PWCCA) gave a presentation of their activities in the field of promotion of women's cricket in Pakistan, incorporation of their association in Pakistan, their achievement in putting Pakistan on the world map of women's cricket with other 14 countries.

They also updated the honourable Senators on PWCCA's membership of International Women's Cricket Council (IWCC) based in New Zealand, playing several international matches abroad under the latter's auspices and the grant of membership by MCC at Lord's in England to 3 of their players, namely, Shaiza Khan, Sharmeen Khan and Kiran Baloch.

Related Link Women's Cricket
Test Teams Pakistan.

Source: Dawn
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