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The Barbados Nation Barbados Clubs: Division washout
The Barbados Nation - 15 August 1999

The return of Barbados Cricket Association Division 1 cricket after a month's break was greeted by rain yesterday.

There was substantial play in two games only, a few balls were bowled in two others while there was a wash-out in the other three matches in the Courts Suzuki Division 1. Play continues today.

Cockspur Wanderers, led by 56 not out by skipper Hendy Bryan and 55 from Michael Edwards, made 226-6 against CHIC Schools South at Dayrells Road.

At Bayfield, there were also half centuries for Shawn Sargeant and Thelston Payne as hosts BNB St. Catherine 219-8 against Mount Gay Maple.

Only three balls were possible at Wildey as Cable & Wireless BET reached one without loss against Big B Spartan, while at Ashton Hall CHIC Schools North were eight for no wicket as ICB Empire sent down seven balls.

Heavy rain prevented play in the matches between United Carlton and ESA Field Pickwick at Black Rock, Banks and Dewars White Label YMPC at the Brewery, and Police v BCL at Weymouth.

The BCA Division 1 was suspended to accommodate the Nortel West Indies youth tournament.

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net