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The Barbados Nation BCA general meeting could be next month
The Barbados Nation - 15 August 1999

The eagerly-awaited annual general meeting of the Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) is at least a month away.

The meeting, which was originally slated for July 29 at Sherbourne Centre, was postponed after members had not been adequately notified.

Sources revealed that the date being forecast is sometime between September 13-16, as a possibility for the new meeting.

The matter has not yet reached the High Court, which is to validate the postponement since the meeting was required under the constitution to be held by the end of July. And after the intervention of the court, membership must then receive the mandatory two weeks notification.

From here, the board must allow time for postage to reach members, which would take the matter into next month. The BCA board met at Kensington Oval last Thursday to further discuss the matter and to formulate a plan.

Yesterday, board member Owen Estwick said on radio he expected the process to be completed within five weeks.

Back in July, when the board accepted responsibility for the unfortunate situation which caused the meeting to be postponed, said the board of management, in reviewing the relevant rules of the association to the holding of the meeting, has decided that the sanction of the court should be sought in deciding on, inter alia, an appropriate date for it and requisite notice to be served on the members.

The meeting is expected to be a battle for the presidency between incumbent Tony Marshall and Sir Conrad Hunte. Nominations are already in for elections and campaigning has been heavy.

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net