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Pathirana on the mat?
Sa'adi Thawfeeq - 24 August 1999

Galle, Monday - The umpires committee and the director of umpiring K. T. Francis will review Sri Lanka umpire D. N. Pathirana's position for future matches in the Aiwa Cup one-day tri-nation series, Francis told the Daily News yesterday.

Pathirana, as television umpire, gave Australian opener Adam Gilchrist run out arousing much controversy over the decision in the opening match of the Aiwa Cup tri-nation tournament played at the Galle International Stadium on Sunday.

To all, Gilchrist appeared to have made good his ground when the throw from Mahela Jayawardene from the deep reached wicket-keeper Romesh Kaluwitharana.

Pathirana dawdled for quite some time reviewing TV feedbacks from all angles before arriving at his controversial decision. Pathirana will also be asked to explain why he spoke to the press during the match.

Director of umpiring, Francis, said that umpires are debarred from speaking to the media during a series according to Cricket Board regulations.

Pathirana is due to officiate in the third match of the tournament between Sri Lanka and India at the R. Premadasa Stadium under lights on Wednesday and also in the Sri Lanka-India game on August 29 at the SSC grounds.

He has so far officiated in seven one-day internationals since coming into the international panel six years ago.

Source: The Daily News