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The Barbados Nation Sir Conrad’s vision
Haydn Gill - 7 December 1999

One of Sir Conrad Hunte’s intentions was to involve every single member in the running of the Barbados Cricket Association (BCA).

To this end, Sir Conrad, who was elected BCA president on October 12, had sent a letter to each of the more than 1 700 members informing them of his plan.

In the two-page letter dated November 22, Sir Conrad, who died last Friday, said he wanted to start a process of regularly communicating with members.

“The board’s desire is to involve members of the association in its operations at every opportunity and to facilitate this objective we have prepared the attached membership survey form,” the letter said.

“The information on the form is to assist the board in ensuring that membership data is current, and to identify the potential sources of specialist interests and skills which are available to the board and to the BCA.”

Sir Conrad said the board was in the process on forming working committees and they intended to draw on its vast pool of human resources in the formation of these committees.

“Please be assured that these measures will help us better and ensure that our association is able to make the best use of the considerable skills and talents that reside in its membership,” he said.

In the survey form, members have been asked if they would be willing to serve the BCA and, if so, in what capacity.

Members were also requested to indicate any service which they felt the association could provide to its members.

It is hoped that members would return the survey forms to the BCA office by December 15.

In the letter, Sir Conrad also took the opportunity to tell members about the board’s mission.

“Our vision is to make Barbados cricket strong again, to make our national cricketers once more the best in the world and in doing so ensure the return of the West Indies team to the pinnacle of world cricket,” he said.

“In order that each member of the board can contribute to shaping our direction and to start to lay the plans to give effect to this vision we will be meeting for a whole day retreat on November 23.”

Members were told to avoid the rush for tickets for next year’s international season and were invited to pay their subscription fees on December 20 and December 21.

The BCA has an e-mail address (the office@bca.org.bb) for the first time and is giving members with access to the Internet the opportunity to receive correspondence by this medium.

© The Barbados Nation

Test Teams West Indies.
Players/Umpires Conrad Hunte.

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net