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Lara for Antigua today
Andre Baptiste - 21 February 1999

Trinidad and Tobago's double world record holder Brian Lara has again been summoned to a meeting with the selectors in Antigua today. The West Indies captain, along with embattled manager Clive Lloyd and coach Malcolm Marshall, is expected to account to the three-member selection committee for his stewardship during the ill-starred tour of South Africa which ended earlier this month.

``The selectors are having their own meeting with The Management team, so that they can all hear first-hand what happened in South Africa,'' a West Indies Cricket Board source in Antigua told the Sunday Express, ``and they can speak openly about some of the problems.''

Saying that the selectors feel ``under pressure to make the right decision'', the source said the threesome-Michael Findlay, Joey Carew and Joel Garner-do not want the West Indies Cricket Board ``to have to be in a position to overrule their nomination.''

Findlay, who is the committee chairman, has already met with the three managers but, in the interest of fairness to all concerned, it was thought that the other members of the selection panel should have the opportunity to put their questions on the South African tour directly to the principals involved.

After the meeting with The Management team, the selectors will meet among themselves to decide on their nomination.

The source theorised that Lara's presence in Antigua on the eve of tomorrow's meeting may be a positive sign for the beleaguered skipper.

``If Lara did not have a chance,'' he said, ``they would not have invited him to have his say in front of them and to air his opinion on the series against South Africa.''

Adding that he thought the selectors would also be interested in the captain's plans for Australia, he suggested that they might use the opportunity ``to basically read him the riot act and give him a last chance to hold on to this very important position.''

Reminded that when Courtney Walsh was dismissed as captain, he was brought out from Jamaica to Antigua, the source scoffed at suggestions that the Board would make the same mistake twice.

``It seems difficult to believe that they would invite him all the way to Antigua again, just to fire him. Of course, there is no real guarantee, except that this is a special meeting with the selection panel and not the WICB.''

Another source close to the WICB offered the suggestion that the meeting was a kind of sop for the fans ``who want a reaction''.

``Most admit that Lara did not do a very good job in South Africa but the point is that there is no real replacement available. Unless they look to Jamaicans Jimmy Adams, or even Courtney Walsh...''

Asked about the chances of current T&T captain Ian Bishop who has so far taken 11 wickets in the five and a half completed Busta Cup matches, he said that the pacer would find it difficult to find a place on the team on current form.

``That is why there has been the discussion of the removal of Clive Lloyd or Malcolm Marshall. Because of his outspoken nature, Lloyd is the one most likely to go in case of any change,'' he said.

According to the source, it is likely Lara will only be appointed ``on a two-Tests basis or only for the Test series'' as a means of keeping him in line.

``What is certain,'' the source ended, ``is that Carl Hooper will no longer be the vice-captain. He would be lucky to even play in the opening two Tests of the series.''

Source: The Express (Trinidad)