
Vanuatu pushes for South Pacific competition
Tony Munro - 6 March 1999

South Pacific cricket officials have urged the ICC to provide logistical support in the establishment of an ICC Trophy-style competition for Pacific countries.

Vanuatu Cricket Association President, Mr Mark Stafford, and Papua-New Guinea Cricket Board of Control Secretary-Treasurer, Mr Wayne Satchell, have both urged the ICC to take a proactive role through the about-to-be-appointed East Asia-Pacific Development Officer.

"Vanuatu has not played in a major tournament since the 1991 South Pacific Games," said Mr Stafford, the main advocate of the proposal. "I would like to see a tournament where we are playing teams of similar background. Even if it meant there had to be say, Australian Aboriginal and New Zealand Maori teams competing, we wouldn't mind if it meant it got the support of Australia and New Zealand."

Mr Satchell went further: "Why can't the ICC approach a multi-national company with a presence in the South Pacific countries about sponsorship?"

While PNG competes in the ICC and ACC Trophy competitions, Vanuatu is an affiliate member of the ICC and is not eligible for the ICC Trophy. There is no specific competition for Affiliate countries, and sports at each South Pacific Games are selected by the host, which means cricket is not always included on the programme.

Non-Test Teams Vanuatu.