
Cook Islands cricket joins calls for Pacific-cup as season ends
Tony Munro - 20 March 1999

The Secretary of the Cook Islands Cricket Association, Mr. George Hosking, has joined the call for a Pacific Cup-type nations tournament to be established. The national team is yet to compete internationally, but Mr. Hosking said the Cook Islands would certainly be interested in competing in such as tournament.

The cricket season in the Cook Islands now runs from October to March, to avoid clashing with the two Rugby codes.

The ten clubs, all which field senior and junior (under 19) teams, are: Titikaveka, Arorangi, Aratini, Takuvaine, Tupapa, Wanderers, Matavera, Turangi, Muri and Nikao.

The CICA season starts with a round robin series, after which the top six and bottom four are split into separate competitions. The clubs then compete in a knockout tournament. The winner of the round robin then plays the winner of the knockout tournament in the "Champion of Champions" match. Additionally, there is a midweek challenge trophy in which the holder defends the trophy.

The season concludes with a Town versus Country match or a six-a-side tournament, and then finally the annual presentation of trophies. Like other Pacific countries, the Cook Islands struggle with the finance required for overseas trips and would welcome club sides to visit the islands. The CICA would also be grateful for any assistance with conducting coaching and umpiring workshops or any other assistance towards the development of cricket in the Cook Islands.

Non-Test Teams Cook Islands.
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