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BCCSL Elections: Dhammika Ranatunga's Rebuttal
The Daily News - 19 March 1999

The Board of Control for Cricket in Sri Lanka states (BCCSL) is governed by an Executive Committee appointed by the general membership each year - and the decisions in relation to the administration and operations are made by the said Executive Committee.

As Chief Executive, I implement the decisions of the Executive Committee, mobilizing the resources available to me.

However, the recent articles published in the media have caused serious concern.

These comments attributed to certain individuals vying to serve in the Executive Committee of the BCCSL are palpably false and without any basis whatsoever. The tenor in which these comments are made clearly show that even the persons making them are unable to substantiate same with even an iota of proof.

Comments of this nature are potentially damaging to the image of the board both nationally and internationally - and harmful to the game of Cricket in Sri Lanka: which these individuals purport to serve.

I assure all those concerned that if any of these individuals bring up their queries at a proper forum, the BCCSL would answer them to the satisfaction of all.

I am saddened by the fact that these individuals have resorted to contemptible tactics of this nature and perturbed by the ultimate effect it may have to Sri Lanka cricket, the morale of the players and to the country's image.

It is also unfortunate to note that certain personnel in the media are being used by these individuals to serve their purpose.

Therefore, on behalf of the BCCSL, I appeal to all those who are contesting the forthcoming BCCSL elections to be more responsible, considerate and fair in their comments hereon, and that to practise restraint at this moment of time. That way we all can continue to serve and succeed in this great game of ours with greater dimension.

Dhammika Ranatunga, Chief Executive, BCCSL

Source: The Daily News