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Sri Lanka: Thomian skipper Ratwatte presented the DSS Shield
Richard Dwight - 17 March 1999

In the splendour of the 'Earls Court' Trans Asia hotel, amidst a gathering comprising current Royal-Thomian cricketers, those associated with them and other selected invitees, to a joint felicitation dinner hosted by the Joint Organising Committee (JOC) last Saturday, Naren Ratwatte the Thomian skipper, walked up to the applause of those present to receive the Principal of Royal College, Lakshman Gomes the impressive D. S. Senanayake Shield, on his team having won the 120th Battle of the Blues encounter against the traditional rivals Royal College.

Speaking on the occasion, as the dinner progressed was the Chairman of the JOC Lyle Peiris, who said that organising a match of this magnitude and nature was no means easy, for it could be an exciting, exhausting and a exacting ordeal, but if in the end you achieve a measure of success, then it could be both a rewarding as well as a satisfying experience.

He revealed that work proper with regard to the match begins around September and goes on relentlessly to the last day of the match. He was highly pleased that the Big Match was conducted in a peaceful environment, not forgetting to record his thanks to the Army Commander Lt. Gen. Srilal Weerasuriya and the IGP Mr. Lucky Kodituwakku for their ready assistance extended.

Peiris, had a special word of thanks for Lt. Col. Jagath Wijayasiri and Lt. Col. Janaka Masakkara, who as in the previous year coordinated and executed an effective security plan and was most appreciative, that they had made it a point to come all the way from Jaffna. It was gathered that initiatives are being taken to make the next encounter in the new millennium, as colourful as possible and commended it to his successor, Mr. Nimal Dias Jayasinghe and Peiris concluded by thanking the two school heads and the respective captains, for the part they played in the veritable success achieved at this Big Match.

The Principal of Royal H. L. B. Gomes and the Acting Warden of S.Thomas' D. A. Packianathan briefly touched on the cricket played and thanked the two captains and the teams for the fine spirit in which the game was played and registered their appreciation of the good work done by the JOC.

The after dinner speeches ended with the Royal captain Thushan Amarasuriya and Thomian skipper Naren Ratwatte addressing the gathering. The proceedings were steered by the secretary JOC Y. S. de Soyza. And what was heartening to note was the spirit of camaraderie and bonhomie that prevailed right through the evening and the encouraging cordial relationships that existed between the teams, mingling together as members of one family.

Source: The Daily News