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Statement from Alan Crompton

9 January 1999

The following is excerpted from the statement of Alan Crompton submitted to the Lahore High Court hearing in Melbourne today:

``Between October, 1960 and September, 1997 I was a member of the Board of Directors of the Australian Cricket Board (ACB) and was its Chairman between September, 1992 and September, 1995.

On 27th February, 1995, I informed Mr Shane Warne (Mr Warne) that the ACB had decided to impose a fine of $ 8000 following his admission that he accepted $ US 5000 from a bookmaker known to him as ``John'' in Sri Lanka in September, 1994. The relevant circumstances were:

I also informed Mr Mark Taylor immediately because the action taken involved two members of his team.

On 28th February, 1995 in Sydney I chaired a meeting of the Board of the ACB. The action taken was reported to the ACB with 12 of the 14 Directors present at the time, the absent Directors being Mr Edwards and Mr Bill Jocelyn who had had to leave the meeting early. The action taken by Mr Halbish and myself was approved by the Board. No Director present expressed any disagreement with the action taken, and no Director thereafter, certainly until I ceased to be a Director in September, 1997, expressed any disagreement with the action taken, the penalties imposed, or the fact that the action taken was not made public.

It was my view then and still is that the fines were severe and appropriate in the circumstances. I was satisfied that neither player had engaged in bribery or match fixing. The fines imposed were, to the best of my knowledge, the largest monetary fines ever imposed on any cricket players anywhere in the world, and I believe that that is still the case today.

The ACB policy at the time was that matters of player behaviour and disciplining of players (other than for on-field behaviour) are dealt with privately and internally, and that where penalties are imposed they are imposed privately and internally. The conduct of the players fell into this category and the Board's policy was simply implemented.

In addition, the players were being dealt with under a private contract between the ACB and the player and were considered to have breached that private contract.

My concern on behalf of the ACB was that if, contrary to policy, this matter was made public, the public may wrongly suspect or believe that the players had been guilty of conduct beyond that which has been revealed, which I was totally satisfied was not the case in either instance. Public disclosure in these circumstances would, in my view, have been grossly unfair to the players. This, in my view, was the reason for the Board's policy in the first place.

The ACB did not advise the Pakistan Cricket Board of its actions against Mr Warne and Mr Waugh for the following reasons:

Source: CricInfo365
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