
New test for Sri Lanka spinner Muralitharan

22 January 1999

ADELAIDE, Australia, Jan 22 (AFP) - Sri Lanka's controversial spinner Muttiah Muralitharan will face a new battle of nerves with umpires on Saturday when his side face England here in the three-nation series.

While the Sri Lankan government has expressed disquiet at the treatment Muralitharan has got from Australian crowds, the bowler must Saturday convince umpires Ross Emerson and Tony McQuillan.

Emerson no-balled Muralitharan for throwing in a one-day international three years ago. McQuillan cast doubt on the bowler's action in a match report on a Sri Lanka v Queensland match in their 1995/96 tour.

Sri Lankan captain Arjuna Ranatunga said Friday his team was unconcerned by the new scrutiny being placed on Muralitharan's bowling action, even though this will be the first time on this tour that Muralitharan has played before an umpire who has previously called his action into question.

Muralitharan came in for most criticism from Australian umpire Darrell Hair, who has stood down from Sri Lanka's games. Hair no-balled Muralitharan in the 1995 Melbourne Test.

``Murali has been cleared from all over the world and we are not worried about one or two umpires, it's as simple as that,'' said Ranatunga. ``We are here to play proper cricket.''

While Muralitharan has not been called this tour, it is believed his action will be mentioned in match referee Peter van der Merwe's report at the end of the current one-day series.

England have four wins from five matches in the series while Sri Lanka have one win from four games and Australia two from five.

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