
Pakistan skipper appeals Indian fans to enjoy the cricket

by Shahid A. Hashmi for AFP
January 18 1998

KARACHI, Jan 18 (AFP) - Pakistan captain Wasim Akram Monday urged Indian fans to forget the threats of violence around his team's tour controversial tour of India and concentrate on cricket.

``I appeal to Indian fans to forget all that happened and now be ready to enjoy some good cricket and support the team that plays well,'' Wasim told AFP.

The Pakistan government on Sunday gave the go-ahead for the first cricket tour of India by the national team for 12 years after assurances were given by Indian government and the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi.

Wasim acknowledged security fears but he is confident the Indian autho= rities will cope.

``It is a pity that we will have to play under tight security and will not be able to move around freely but still the on-field action and planning will keep us too busy,'' Wasim said.

The 32-year-old fast bowler and captain welcomed the backing given by the government. ``Our prime minister and Information Minister Mushahid Hussain are both sports lovers so they must have taken the decision in the larger interest of the game,'' Wasim said.

Wasim also appreciated Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayyee's efforts to make sure the tour takes place. The Pakistan team leave for India on Thursday to play two Tests, an opening Test of the Asian Test Championship and a limited over three nation tournament also involving world champions Sri Lanka.

``I have played in India and the fans are really sporting and they know how to enjoy the game,'' Wasim said. Wasim termed the tour to India as most important of his career.

``It will definitely be one of the most important tours of my life and above all it will prepare us for the 1999 World Cup,'' said Wasim, who was stripped of the Pakistan captaincy last January, but re-appointed earlier this month.Wasim said it would be a dream come true if he leads Pakistan to a series win like Imran Khan did in 1986-87.

``It will really be a dream come true to lead the country to a win and our team is definitely better than India so I strongly feel I will emulate Imran Khan's feat,'' a confident Wasim said.

``I know my players and all they need is to display self belief and show mental toughness as the circumstances demand.''

But the captain said he and his team need the backing of Pakistani people. ``Support from home fans counts. After series losses in the last home season and loss of confidence in players we need full support from home fans,'' Wasim said.

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