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The Barbados Nation BCA bucks
The Barbados Nation - 25 July 1999

The Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) has recorded another fine year of operation.

When embattled president Tony Marshall, who is seeking re-election, reveals the 1999 statement, he can say that it was the third straight year he had delivered ``the goods'' for the BCA.

According to the audited Statement of Revenue and Expenditure to be released at Thursday's annual general meeting at Sherbourne Conference Centre, for the April 1998 to March 1999 financial year, the BCA made a profit of $310 730, compared to the previous year's profit of $457 754.

There is increased revenue from sponsorships, gate receipts for both regional and international games, the rental of boxes, television fees and West Indies Cricket Board dividends. There is also a $90 000 receipt from the Instant Money Game, whereas no money was received from this source in 1998.

Revenue declines were recorded in advertising and subscriptions.

Expenditure for 1999 exceeded 1998 by $700 000, the main features of which were increases in awards to clubs, bank charges (of over $200 000 related to money borrowed), coaching clinics, cricket tours, insurance, the schools' competitions and salaries. One area spending is down is in repairs and maintenance to Kensington Oval.

This financial statement is expected to be hotly debated when the BCA meets since some members had been suggesting that the BCA is in dire financial difficulty.

The SUNDAY SUN contacted Marshall last night to get his comments on the 1999 financial results. He first questioned how a document that is not yet released to members of the BCA could find its way into the hands of a newspaper and said: ``I cannot comment because it is not fair to the membership for this document to be leaked to the Press prior to the meeting. I will comment at the appropriate time.''

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net