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Dhammika, 'Skanda' enjoyed official ICC states
The Daily News - 3 July 1999

In spite of continuing speculation Sri Lanka's two delegates S. Skandakumar and Dammika Ranatunga enjoyed official status at the International Cricket Council (ICC) executive board meeting and the annual general meeting that followed thereafter at Lord's last month.

On the conclusion of the executive board meeting Skandakumar made an appropriate thank you address to the House, the text of which follows:

Mr. President, Mr. David Richards, chief executive officer, on behalf of Dammika and the Board I wish to thank you and the house most sincerely for having made the exception to enable both representatives from Sri Lanka to participate officially at this meeting.

I know how saddened all of you are by the recent events affecting our Board. I also know that we have a fence or two to mend, perhaps even a bridge to rebuild. All I can assure you is that we are seriously focussed on achieving all of this.

Meanwhile, I thank you Mr. President, Mr. Richards and all of you distinguished representatives from member countries most sincerely once again for being sensitive to our prevailing circumstances.

Source: The Daily News