
Historic Lancashire League Merger Moves Closer
by Andy Searle in League Cricket Review - 1 July 1999

In what can only be termed a sensational interview with the Manchester Evening News Pink newspaper, the Chairman of the Central Lancashire League, Bob Dearden, has put his wholehearted backing behind the idea that the Central Lancashire League and Lancashire League should merge into one league with a two-division structure and promotion and relegation.

The two leagues are perhaps the most well known club cricket leagues in the world, having hosted over the last century some of the greatest names in the game of cricket from Sydney Barnes to Alan Donald. ``I think it is agreed that there are too many varying standards among clubs,'' said Dearden. ``...should we make a formal approach to the Lancashire League to initiate talks about a possible merger?''

The merger idea is not a new phenomenon. Already several leading clubs and players in the two leagues have expressed a desire to breathe new life into competitions which recently have suffered from the increase in the amount of international cricket played around the world. The big names are no longer available to the clubs as professionals, and consequently the standard of overseas player has declined with spectator interest dropping as a result. Many clubs coast along with nothing to play for for most of the season, so the addition of promotion and relegation may well re-invigorate interest in the one of cricket's most devoted areas.

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